A Voice from the Eastern Door

Hánio Kanienkéha Tsitewatá:ti

Come on, Let's all speak Mohawk again!

1. Ronwaia'tanentaktónhne 27 tewáhsen tsiá:ta shiská:rahkwe ne Seskehkó:wa Friday, the date was the 27th of September

2. Sahonwatiia'tahní:rate They strengthen it again

3. Ne ratitsiénhaiens tanon Akwiratékha The Councilors and Grand Chief Leonard Lazore

4. Kanenhrowanen:ne Wa'thonwatirenhsaron A big crowd praised them

5. Oié:ri Nikón:ti ne konnón:kwe wa'kontáweia'te 10 women got in

6. Áhsen nihá:ti ne ronnón:kwe wahontáweia'te 3 men got in

7. Akwé:kon ronatonhnháhere tsi ní:ioht tsi wa'thonwatinonhwará:ton ne ononkwe'ta :ke All were very happy how the people greet them

8. Tetsiá:ron ne ratitsiénhaiens tánon Akwiratékha ne wahatiri :wenhte tsi tehatiié:na ne onkwehsho n:'a Councilors and Grand Chief Leonard Lazore promised to work with the people

9. Ionsaionhrhén'ne sók ók na :'a Akwiratékha wahonwaníáhese The very next morning Leonard Lazore was asked to MC an all-day wahane n:rine Kawehno :ke travelling College akwáh kon'tákie wahontkennísa'a workshop on Cornwall island

10. Kióhton niiohwista :'e tsi niió:re ne wísk niiohwista :'e o'karahshnéha onteweiennén:ta'ne 9 o'clock to 5 o'clock, in the evening it ended

11. Eddy Gray wahrihwahnhotón:ko Eddy Gray did the opening

12. Della Adams wa'onkhi'nikonhraientáhten tsi nihotiiotenhsero :ten tánon tsi ní:ioht tsi tahiatáhsawen Della Adams explained the type of work they are doing and how it began

13. Tsisniahne nón:we nikanónhsote The building is located in Snye

14. Ne:'e ne rotinonhsí:io It is a beautiful building

15. Ietshihonkará:wis ne aesewanata :ra They invite everyone to visit

16. Tho:ne Shakokwenniónkwas no n:wa sahatá:ti Then Tom Porter spoke

17. Nia'té:kon rokaraká:te tsi ní:ioht tsi tehonatohétston ne onkwehón:we ne wahón:nise He had a lot of stories on how our people survived a long time ago

18. Bear Fox no n:wa saionkhiiatá:ti Bear fox spoke to us

19. Wa'onkhikaraton:hahse tsi ni:ioht tsi iakorennisa'anion She told us how she made song

20. Wa'erennisa'ánion aiakoienawa'se ne aonsaión:onke ne onkwawén:na She created songs to help her learn our language

21. Wentano:ron Jacco tánon Victoria wa'kenihthá:rahkwe tsi ni:ioht tsi ionnateweientonhákie Wentanó:ron and Victoria Ransom spoke about their experience

22. Karihwénhawe wahonwatiio'ténhseron Karihwénhawe engaged the group in a language activity

23. Wahatiwennarò:roke tánon wa'thontaterihónniene owén:na They collected words and taught each other what they know ratiienté:ri

24. Ann Seymour wa'onkhínikonhraientahten tsi naho :ten iakorihwaró:ron tsi ni:ioht tsi tehonatohet́ston ne onkwehón:we tsi ní:ioht tsi teionkhiténion tsi naho :ten iakorihwaro :ron ne :'e én:iontste ne eniakohiatonhseraién:ta'nre Ann Seymour explained the work and information she collected towards her PhD

25. Dolly McDonald saierihwarohrókhon Dolly McDonald summarized the day

26. Takáwerenhte tanon kiohotón:ko tonsahiatenonhwará:ton sahnirihwahnhotón:ton They did the closing

27. Akwiratékha akwé:kon tonsahtshionkwanonhwará:ton Grand Chief Leonard Lazore thanked all for attending

28. Ionsaiohnhén'ne sók á:re sahonwari'wanón:tonhse Ahskwa :ke ahathahi'tá:'a The next morning they asked to walk the bridged

29. Iotohétston nénkie énska shia'tesewashén:nen Kawehno :ke ahskwákta wahatinenió:ten 1:30 pm they placed a stone near the Kawehnò:ke bridge

30. Ne:'e aonsahonwanehiahráhsheke tsi niahá:ti ne ratiksa'oko n:'a wahonwatí:rio In memory of the children who were killed

31. Akwiratékha, Arihwawa'konhkó:wa tánon ne Ahskwa :ke Ohén:ton í:rate tahontá:ti Grand Chief Leonard Lazore, Bishop Simard and the head of the bridge gave speeches

32. Ákwa é:so tsi teiakhinonhwará:tons Kahshennanó:ron tsi ní:ioht wa'akoió'ten aonterihwahtén:ti We give special thanks to Bernice Lazore for her hard work in organizing these 2 days


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