A Voice from the Eastern Door

Kanenna'kè:ne Ronterihwahtenkià:thahkwe

They Used to Do a Lot of Fall Activities

1. Iakhihshtha'okòn:'a nia'té:kon ronterihwahtenkià:thahkwe Our grandparent did a lot of activities

2. Rotihehtowanén:ne They had big gardens

3. Ká:ne enkanenna:ke'ne enthontáhsawen enhatitenhnthó:ko ne rotiienthóhseron As soon as it turns fall they harvest their crops

4. Thatihnenna'tóhkwate They pick potatoes

5. Ókia'ke óksak kaiá:rakon enhonnéta'a tsi enhonthnenna'tateweièn:ton They store potatoes

6. Ókia'ke ohontsió:kon enhati'nerohkón:ni Some make a box

7. Enhon'kenhráta'a They fill it with dirt

8. Thò: nón:we enhonthnenna'tateweièn:ton There they store potatoes

9. Otsì:nekwahr nikatsihko:ten enhatitsíhkwako thò: ní:ioht tsi enhonteweienton ohontsió:kon ienhatiniión:ten They also stored carrots and cabbage this way

10. Onehshiò:ta enhatitsíhkwako thò: ni:ioht tsi enhontenenhsio'tateweièn:ton, They store cabbage also in the same way ohontsió:kon ienhatí:ien They store it in the cellar

11. Enhati'nionkserá:ko They harvest onions

12. Ókia'ke enhatiratsken'tónnia'te, ohontsió:kon ienhatiniión:ten Some make it into a braid and hang it in the cellar

13. Ó kia'ke tenhati'nionkserá:rihte, kaiá:rakon enhonnéta'a enhatinennio :kwanohste Some chop it up, put it in bags and freeze it

14. Enhón:iakon ne ohiakháhon They pick tomatoes

15. Ókia'ke ne konnón:kwe katshè:ta enkontahiateweièn:ton Some women can the tomatoes

16. Ókia'ke tenkonhià:rihte, kaiá:rakon enkonnéta'a, enkontinenniò:kwanohste Some women chop the tomatoes, put it in bags to freeze them

17. Rotitshahnihtón:ne They were ambitious hard working

18. Ó:nen nòn:wa kénk nihsatì:́a ratiiénhnthos Now only a few garden

19. Okia'ke kénk nihshothihéhta'as Some have small gardens

20. Okia'ke akwáh í:iah tehsothihéhtaien Some have no garden

21. Rotikstenhokòn:'a kwéskwes ò:ni ratináhskaiens The old people raised pigs

22. Kanenna'kè:ne nikahá:wi sók enkonwania'tó:ase In the fall they kill the pig

23. Enhati'wahrahserón:ni They prepare the meat

24. Tenhatihio'tsistáhrho They salt the meat

25. Ka'náhkwahon enhonnéta'a, sók ohontsió:kon ienhati'náhkwaien They put it in barrels and put it in the cellar

26. Onon'ónsera ò:ni thò: ni:ioht tsi enhontenon'onserateweién:ton They store cucumbers in the say way

27. E nhatinon'onseróhare, ka'náhkwakon enhonnéta'a tanon tahatihio'tsistáhrho, ohontsió:kon ienhati'náhkwaien They wash the cucumbers, they put it in the barrel, salt it and place it in the cellar

28. Ronnennekerí:iakskwe ò:ni The did haying also

29. Enhatithohkonniánion They make bales of hay

30. Akwáh i:́ken tsi tehontatshnieháhkwe They really self supported themselves


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