A Voice from the Eastern Door

Sahiateweien'tón:nion Ne Teiohiakháhon!

Canning Tomatoes

1. Sahióhare ne teiohiakháhon! Wash the tomato!

2. Skahréhkiak ne teiohiakháhon! Pluck the stems off the tomatoes!

3. Saté:kat ne karistátsi! Light the stove!

4. Karistà:ke ne kana'tsiowá:nen ! Put the big pot on the stove!

5. Tehshnekónkieht! Boil the water!

6. Kana'tsiowá:nen séta ne teiohiakháhon! Put the tomatoes in a big pot!

7. Sá:io ne teiohiakháhon 1 mínut ! Boil the tomatoes 1 minutes !

8. Sewístot ne teiohiakháhon! Cool the tomatoes in ice!

9. Sera'wistótshi ne teiohiakháhon! Peel the skin off the tomatoes!

10. Tesahiakonserón:ko ne teiohiakháhon! Slice the tomatoes!

11. Skwe'tarón:ko ne iohiátkens! Take out the bad spots!

12. Sátkens í:iah thateiorí'on ken ne katshetashón:'a! Look at (inspect) jars to make sure not broken!

13. Tóhsa énhsatste ne iottakwaráshon atenontektha'tsherashón:'a (iotenontektha'tsherakwaráshon)! Don't use dented lids!

14. Tóhsa énhsatste ne iohskèn:rhare atenontektha'tsherashón:'a Don't use rusty lids! (iotenontektha'tsherahskèn:rhare)!

15. Setshe'tóhare! Wash the jars!

16. Satenontektha'tsheró:hare! Wash the lids!

17. Katshe'ta'shón:'a tánon atenontektha'tsherashón:'a séta ne iohnekataríhen! Place jars and lids in very hot water!

18. Setshe'tó:ko! Remove the jars from the water!

19. Sahiáta ne teiohiakháhon! Fill jars with hot tomatoes!

20. Tesontahní:rat! Pack down (so no air bubbles)!

21. Tétsiehst ne sewatokwahtsherowá:nen ne teiohiahiò:tsis kahnekinekénhton! Add 1 Tbsp lemon juice!

22. Tétsiehst ne shia'tesewahshén:nen sewatokwátshera kiohiò:tsis! Add ½ tsp salt!

23. Tóhsa tontáhshraht! Don't fill all the way (leave space on the top of the jar)!

24. Será:kehw tsi iotetshè:tote! Wipe the rim (top) of the jar!

25. Senón:tek! Put the lid on the jar!

26. Skwatá:se ne atenontéktha! Screw on the cap!

27. Sewístot ne katshe'shón:'a! Let jars cool!

28. Sátkens iohní:ron ken tsi iotenonté:kon! Check to make sure the lids are sealed !

29. Seríhsi ne atenontéktha! Remove the bands!

30. Tsi nón:we niiohstáthen tánon iowísto sateweién:ton! Store in a dry, cool location!


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