A Voice from the Eastern Door

White Buffalo Calf Returns Home

Our founder and CEO Chief Henry Red Cloud was asked to attend and say a few words during the gifting of a white buffalo calf to the Black Feather Buffalo Ranch On Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota yesterday afternoon.

This bull calf was a gift to the Black Feather Buffalo Ranch on Pine Ridge Reservation. The gift came from Jared Westhoff from Zion White Bison Resort. The Oyate honored him with a quilt and a bundle of sage and lavender for his wife (pictured below). Our Founder and CEO Chief Henry Red Cloud told the story of the White Buffalo Calf Woman to those in attendance and explained the significance of this calf calling Pine Ridge Reservation home.

The white buffalo is sacred to the Lakota people (and many other Plains tribes) due to its association with the White Buffalo Calf Woman, a central figure in Lakota spiritual beliefs.

According to Lakota tradition, the White Buffalo Calf Woman appeared to the Lakota people during a time of great need. She brought them the sacred Chanunpa (pipe), which is central to their religious practices, and taught them important ceremonies and ways of life. The White Buffalo Calf Woman also promised that she would return one day, and when she does, it would signify a time of peace and harmony for all people.

For the Lakota, the white buffalo is a symbol of purity, sacredness, and the interconnectedness of all life. It holds a deep cultural and spiritual significance, representing the fulfillment of prophecies, the importance of maintaining traditions, and the hope for future generations.


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