A Voice from the Eastern Door

Restore Sacred Onondaga Lake 5K Wooden Stick Festival and Smoke Dance Competition

September 14 & 15, Onondaga Lake

Don’t miss the annual Haudenosaunee Wooden Stick Festival and Restore our Sacred Lake 5K Run/Walk this fall! This year’s Festival will include a Wooden Stick Lacrosse tournament to honor the memory of Randy Hall, a Smoke Dance Competition, and talks from Haudenosaunee leaders about our treaties and sacred obligations to Mother Earth.

There will be food, music, speakers, games, and opportunities to take action to support a fully clean and restored Onondaga Lake.

Restore Our Sacred Lake 5K

“We follow the Thanksgiving Address by protecting Mother Earth. The eagle has returned to Onondaga Lake for the first time in over 200 years. We invite runners and walkers to come to Onondaga Lake for a day of celebration. This event will raise awareness of the importance of the lake and the urgency of furthering the cleanup efforts.”

Race Details

Race begins at Onondaga Lake Wegman’s Park

Registration will begin at 7:00 a.m.

Race begins at 8:00 a.m.

Cost: Free

The Randy Hall Masters Wood Stick Lacrosse

Randy Hall, Akwesasne Mohawk Wolf Clan, passed away January 18, 2018. He served in Vietnam with US Army (1965-68) and he also participated in the 1972 AIM takeover of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington D.C. He loved sports and he was deeply involved with the Onondaga Athletic Club where he played and coached lacrosse and basketball teams. One of his favorite things to do was to travel and be part of tournaments. It is in his memory and honor that the Haudenosaunee Wooden Sticks Festival, decided to name the old sticks tournament after him.

Randy Hall Masters Wood Stick Lacrosse Tournament Schedule Saturday (9 AM-4 PM)

A more detailed schedule for the Masters Tournament will be posted on our site soon. https://aila.ngo/the-restore-our-sacred-lake-5k-and-haudenosaunee-wooden-stick-festival-weekend-september-14th-and-15th-at-onondaga-lake-park/

Social Dancing Noon Saturday and Sunday

Wooden lacrosse stick artisans,

Traditional wooden stick makers

traditional Haudenosaunee crafters

Haudenosaunee dancing

Haudenosaunee speakers

Free and fun for the whole family


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