A Voice from the Eastern Door


The Town Flooded

1. Tekaweratase'kó:wa Hurricane

2. Katsiskaiennià:tha Hurricane

3. Debby ratinatónkhwa They called it Debby

4. Ka'sátste ne tekaweratase'kó:wa entkáhawe ne io'sátste tsi entka'nahkwáweron A strong hurricane brings heavy rainstorms

5. Ioniatò:'on A flood

6. Taio'nahkwáweron tsi na'okén:nore It was very rainy

7. Tsi niió:re e :neken niaháhe ne okennoréhtshera kaieronnítston teionhkará:ke niaháhe ne énska wa'kahwistà:'eke There was a record level of rain of more than 2 inches per hour

8. Sótsi iohshnó:re It was too fast

9. É:so kahné:ko There is a lot of water

10. Io hnekónnion There is a lot of water

11. Tsi iokwenhrá:ron In some places

12. Onthnekawén:rate ne kaniataratákie The river overflowed

13. Wa'ohterónta'ne It was dangerous

14. Wa'kaná:to'ne The town flooded

15. Ohaha'kéhshon wa'kahné:ko'ne Roads flooded

16. Ohaha'kéhshon ontehnhotónnion Roads were closed

17. Ókia'ke wa'tkahahá:rihte tánon tonsontonhwéntsiohse aonsakahahaserón:ni Some roads were washed out and needed to be repaired

18. Onkwehshòn:'a entá:on'k wahonwati'skó:ko People had to be rescued

19. Ohontsió:kon wa'kahné:ko'ne Basements were flooded

20. Ron'shwáhtha wahonhkwíshron wahatihnekará:ko ne onkwehshòn:'a raononhwentsió:kon The firemen worked hard to pump out people's basements

21. Ókia'ke ne onkwe'ta'okòn:'a atsia'tónkie ratì:teron wahonná:ti ne raoná:wen tsi ionthonwaientáhkhwa Some people along the river lost their docks

22. Thihatí:te wahoná:ti raotihonwé:ia tánon ne raotiná:ke Others lost their boats and canoes

23. Tekaweratase'kó:wa ió'tteron tenkaweratá:se è:neken kiótte ówera kaniatara'kehkowáhne nitewéhtha Hurricanes are violent storms with high winds that form over the ocean

24. Teiotténion tsi niwenhniserò:tens The climate has changed

25. Nó:nen ne onhwéntsia aó:wen kaniatara'kehkowáhne enwa'taríha'te, tekaweratase'kó:wa entkahnekatihéntho tánon a'tarihénhsera, kawera'sátste, sénha iókste tsi entka'nahkwáweron tánon sénha enkaná:to'ne nó:nen ne tenkaweratá:se onhwentsia :ke teniaón:ko As the earth's oceans get warmer, hurricanes pull in more water and heat resulting in stronger winds, heavier rainfall, and more flooding when the storms hit land

26. Tekaweratase'kó:wa ó:nen sénha iotká:te eh niiá:wens tánon sénha teiotenonhianíhton Hurricanes are happening more often and are more severe


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