A Voice from the Eastern Door

Tasewatken'sé:ra ne Akhwesáhshne Karáhston Tsi iontkehrontáhkhwa tanon Karáhston Ronatenaiéhston

Come to the Akwesasne Art Market

1. Tasewatken'sé:ra ne Akhwesáhshne Karáhston Tsi iontkehrontáhkhwa tanon Karáhston Ronatenaiéhston Entákta, Ohiarihkó:wa ia :ia'k enhká:ra'ne Come to the Akwesasne Art Market and Art Show on Saturday, July 6

2. Tenhontenonhwará:ton ne Kanien'kéha karáhston tánon tsi niionkwariho :ten enthónhka'we ne Ahkwesáhshne tehontstikáhwha'as It's a celebration of Mohawk art and culture presented by Akwesasne Travel

3. Ahkwesáhshne nón:we Tsi kanakerahtsheratákie ionten'nikonhroriatáhkhwa It will be at Generations Park in Akwesasne

4. Oié:ri niiohwísta :'e ohrhon'ke :ne enthontáhsawen ne Tehatiia'toréhtha Karahstánion ronatenaiéhston enthonwatí:ion ne tehonatén:tshon The Juried Art Show awards presentation will begin at 10 am

5. Bear Fox enionterennó:ten ne Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen aorén:na Bear Fox will sing the Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen song

6. Serihwihsak onhka non:wa eniontkwé:ni kí:ken iohseratákie ne Find out who will win this year's Best of Show! akwáh aonha :'a ioiánere eniontená:iehste

7. Tsióhsera tsi náhe Karen Francis wa'ontkwé:ni ne aonha :'a ioiánere wa'ontená:iehste ne tekatsi'nehtaará:ron káhrhon Last year, Karen Francis won Best of Show for her beaded cradleboard

8. Na'teiotikióhkwake akwáh isi nón:we tsi niióhskats karahstánion enwatenaiéhston There will be all kinds of incredible art on display

9. Emhsatkáhtho ióhskats tekatsi'nehtará:ron, a'thre'sho n:'a, karahstánion tánon sénha é:so You will see beautiful beadwork, baskets, paintings and more

10. Akwé:kon ne karahstánion watenaiéhston Ahkwesahró:non rotíhshon All of the art in the show is created by Akwesasronon

11. Wenhniserake:kon Crossroads ronwatí:ia'ts enhonterennotónnion There will be live music by Crosswinds throughout the day

12. Enhsatero:roke ne Haudenosaunee tenhatinonniahkwe ne Oien'kwara'neha Watch an exciting performance of Haudenosaunee Smoke Dancing

13. Hoopdancer Feryn King tenienónniahkwe, tho : ne ken'nithotiio n:sa tehatinónniahkhwa enhshakonakia'tahrhahse Hoopdancer Feryn King will perform, then youth dancers will join her

14. Sheiatahónhsatat ne ratirontáiakskawenni: Io onkwaná:ta tekatokénhston Listen to the log pounding–it's a beautiful sound special to our community

15. Ká:ts tesewatatken ne Angello Ratsihkóiaks Johnsonn tánon Sheila Ransom Come meet Angello Johnson and Sheila Ransom

16. Enietshina'tón:hahse tsi ní:ioht tsi enshataterón:ni They will demonstrate how baskets are made

17. Tsi iontkehrontáhkhwa na'teiotikióhkwake enhontekhwarahtsherotónnion nia'té:kon enhonatkehrón:take The Market will be full of vendors of all kinds

18. Séhsak watkahtho'tsheri:ios tsi ni:ioht ne ate'wahsare'sho n:'a, sa'oié:ra ohnionwara'sho n:'a, iewennahnotahkhwa kahiatónhsera tánon sénha é:so Look for unique treasures like jewelry, natural botanicals, books, and more

19. Akwáh isi nón:we o :ni enhotikhwaién:take tánon enhotihnekaién:take ne enhsat'nién:ten There will be plenty of delicious food and drinks to try

20. Ia 'tentewatátken ne Ahkwesáhshne Karahstánion Tsi iontkehrontakwáhtha Entáktha, Ohiarihkó:wa ia :ia'k enhská:ra'né Tsi knakerahtsheratákie ionten'nikonhroia'táhkhwa We'll see you at the Akwesasne Art Market on Saturday, July 6 at Generations Park


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Rendered 07/17/2024 12:31