A Voice from the Eastern Door

The Native North American Travelling College and Onake Corporation Celebrating 50th Anniversary

On July 26th-28th, the Native North American Travelling College and the Onake Corporation will be hosting a free event to celebrate 50 years as a cultural education center in Akwesasne Mohawk Territory.

The Native North American Travelling College has thrived as an important cultural education center that fosters cultural vitality, community pride and cross-cultural education since its inception. This Indigenous-led organization was founded by community members and through the formation and ongoing support of the Onake Corporation, NNATC’s not-for-profit parent corporation.

The Native North American Travelling College has a vibrant history. Each individual at the NNATC is committed to offering cultural programming to foster pride in Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) culture and education as part of the organization’s original mandate. This knowledge has been transferred to the community, local schools, and organizations. For non-Indigenous peoples, this cultural education helps bridge an understanding of the lifeways and world view of their neighbours at Akwesasne.

The 50th anniversary of the Native North American Travelling College will be commemorated through a three-day symposium and arts festival. Programming includes free NNATC museum tours, video exhibits, various cultural activities and children’s games, a concert showcasing local musicians, a smoke dance competition, and a Haudenosaunee Social. Traditional arts, crafts, and food vendors will also be on hand in an on-site marketplace. This event will bring together community members, musicians, artists, and researchers to explore the role of the arts in sustaining and celebrating Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) identity and traditions in a symposium titled “Indigenous Resurgence, Education and Community-Based Cultural Continuity: Onake and The Native North American Travelling College.” The anniversary festival and symposium will take place at the Native North American Travelling College, supported by various community organizations and the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada. For more information, please see the NNATC website http://www.nnatc.org, or contact the Native North American Travelling College ([email protected] or 613 932 9452). We would love you to join us in this historic and memorable celebration.


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