A Voice from the Eastern Door

SRMT Inauguration Brings Community Together

By Isaac White

The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe swore in three recently elected officials at the Travis Solomon Lacrosse Box on July 1, 2024. Re-elected Tribal Clerk Summer Bero and Tribal Sub-Chief Benjamin Herne, along with newly elected Tribal Chief Donald Thompson Jr., took their oaths of office. Tribal Court Judge Barbara Potter conducted the oaths for all three candidates.

The gathered community was happy to welcome the successful candidates, and the atmosphere was lighthearted on the sun-filled day. Current Tribal Chiefs Beverly Cook and Michael Conners opened the event with introductory remarks.

Summer Bero congratulated her fellow officials, Benjamin Herne and Donald Thompson Jr., on their election victories. She expressed her continued dedication to working with the community and highlighted the rewarding experience it has been for her. Bero emphasized her commitment to building new relationships while maintaining current ones and upholding integrity in all her dealings. She also acknowledged the hard work and dedication of the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe employees and her team, recognizing their talent and contributions.

In her closing remarks, she included an inspiring quote from Nipsey Hussle: “The game will test you but never fold. Stay ten toes down.”

In his remarks, Benjamin Herne extended his congratulations to both the newly elected Tribal Chief, Donald Thompson Jr., and the re-elected Tribal Clerk, Summer Bero, acknowledging the significant time and effort involved in their successful campaigns. Herne emphasized the importance of community solidarity, noting that despite occasional differences of opinion, the community consistently unites when it matters most. He expressed his anticipation for working collaboratively with the new team in the upcoming term, reflecting his commitment to serving the community and fostering cooperation and mutual support.

Donald Thompson Jr., newly elected as Tribal Chief, brings a fresh perspective to the council, exciting the community with the promise of a different method of leadership. Acknowledging the challenges of tribal governance, Thompson emphasized his readiness to put in the hard work necessary to fulfill his role effectively. Drawing from his extensive experience as a business owner, he intends to apply his knowledge of managing community needs and demands to his new position.

Thompson highlighted the critical importance of supporting local businesses to bolster community programs and the local economy. His vision includes championing the senior benefit and advocating for all Akwesasronon. He stressed the responsibility of elected officials to be transparent, something many in the community have been concerned with for a long time, serve as the voice of the people, and, most importantly, preserve the community’s rights. The community looks to Thompson with hope and anticipation, expecting him to be a strong advocate and dedicated leader.

The swearing-in ceremony marks a significant moment for Akwesasne. With the re-election of dedicated officials and the election of a new Tribal Chief, the community is filled with anticipation and excitement. The people are hopeful that Donald Thompson Jr. will bring a fresh perspective and shake things up, addressing the needs of those who have felt unheard. This new chapter in leadership holds the promise of continued progress, unity, and a renewed commitment to serving the community’s best interests.


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