A Voice from the Eastern Door


Clan System of the Iroquois

Continued from last week.

On the first day of the Satekohsehon (midwinter festival), the leader will announce that all people (women and men) from the Wolf, Turtle and Snipe Clan will enter by the men’s door (East Door) until the entire Midwinter Festival is completed. On the first day the Bear, Eel and Deer Clan will enter the Longhouse from the women’s door to the west. This practice is done only at Midwinter Ceremonies. Many times, people forget and come in the wrong door at Midwinter. The people remind them in a playful and joking way and turn them around so they can enter the Longhouse properly.

At the Satekohsehon (Midwinter Ceremonies) the following occurs:

Day one: Longhouse divides into two parts according to clan. Stirring The Ashes (making a new fire for the Creator).

Day Two: Three Great Feather Dances

1st Great Feather Dance is for and on behalf of the Faithkeepers

2nd Great Feather Dance is for and on behalf of all the people

3rd Great Feather Dance is for and on behalf of the Creator

Day Three: The White Basket Sacrifice Dance and Tobacco burning for The Elders Brother Sun, the Moon, our Grandmother, and the Stars of the Sky World.

Day Four: Atonwa (Name Confirmation and Personal Thanksgiving Song) Drum Dance (A spiritual, historical, and thanksgiving song).

Day Five: Peach Stone Game, Kaientowa:nen (Entertainment Game for the Creator) Great Feather Dance (The Creator’s Song).

During the Satekohsehon the various medicine societies renew their medicines. In the evening, the leaders of the societies will inform the people of the day and time the particular medicine society will renew.

Some of the medicine societies are as follows:

Bear Society

Buffalo Society

Eagle Society

Hatowi Society

Otter Society

Other societies will renew their medicines at their own homes. Generally, at the end of each day of ceremonial activities other societies will renew themselves and many of these renewals will take place in private homes.

The clan you have gives you your place in our ceremonial life. Respect your clan and you will respect all other aspects of your culture and identity. Continued next week.


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