A Voice from the Eastern Door

Kawehnoke Power Generation, (KPG) - not for profit

Draft for Discussion:

Purpose Statement

The purpose of KPG is to generate electrical power from the river for sale to an Electric

Utility Company.

Revenues generated by sales will be distributed to all Akwesasne community members.

To produce electrical power from the river a "Pilot Project" testing project shall be

undertaken at Donald Delormier’s shoreline property adjacent to the Arena parking lot.

Emerging hydro kinetic technology shall be tested with supporting prototype design

studies done at the Queen’s University wave tank laboratory.

The results from the testing done to produce power shall be owned by KPG.

The method of generating electrical power obtained from testing shall be installed at

other Kawehnoke shoreline properties and elsewhere.

Funding for the testing, such as an engineering design study on the preparation and

cost, shall be obtained from available sources other than the Private Sector.

KPG shall generate revenues from the sale of the power generated.

KPG shall call for tenders from the Private Sector to install power generation units.

KPG shall enter into business arrangements for component parts manufacturing of the

power generating units.

KPG shall enter into market sales agreements with companies for the installation of the

hydro kinetic method of power generation.


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