A Voice from the Eastern Door


Clan System of the Iroquois

Continued from last week.


The Deer Clan

The Deer Clan people are originally from the Onondaga or the Cayuga Nations. The people of the Deer Clan are generally on the timid and shy side. They tend to form an opinion quickly. They don’t always gather all the facts on which to make a decision. The Deer Clan people are easily intimidated and somewhat athletic. They are a people of good intentions as long as there are people to break the ice. They tend to be followers more than bold leaders. They are generally kindhearted but are very sensitive. Their feelings can be hurt without anyone knowing why. They have a strong trait of being unpredictable. At times when one may think that everything is hopeless, the Deer Clan will come through and save the day.

Amongst the Onondagas the Rotiianehson titles for the Deer Clan are:



Se a wi

Amongst the Cayugas the Roia:ne title for the deer clan is Kadagwarsonh.

Rotihshennakehte (They carry the name)

In Akwesasne some people regard the Rotihshennakehte as a clan, but in fact they are not a clan. They are a certain identifiable group of people who do not have a clan. They become the carriers of the name of whichever clan adopts them.

Many years ago, when our people were attacked and killed, our ancestors would to the place where they lost people and capture women, men children to replace lost ones. These captives, non-native and offspring were and still are called the people of the Rotihshennakehte.

Also, after the war between the British and the Colonists, those Iroquois who went against the Iroquois Confederacy’s neutral position in the war went to Canada. This is why the Six Nations Reserve at Grand River was set up. The Six Nations at Grand River set up a replica of the original Rotinonhson:ni and so the Onondagas of Grand River are now called Rotihshennakehte because the real capital is still in Onondaga, in the original territory.

The Onondagas of Grand River are just carrying the name and do not have the original fire.


Mid-Winter Ceremonies

Among the Rotinonhson:ni (Iroquois Confederacy) each nation is formally structured in two parts according to clans.

For example, the Onondagas have certain clans that are referred to as the Longhouse People and the clans of the opposite side are known as the Mud House People.

Here in Akwesasne the people belong to the Wolf, the Turtle, and the Snipe Clan compromise one side of the Longhouse and can be referred to as a moiety of the Longhouse. On the other side of the sacred fires of our Longhouse sits the principal clan of the Bear, together with the Deer and the Eel Clans. Together these three clans make one group or side. This group can be referred to as the opposite of the moiety of the Longhouse. The Wolf, Turtle and Snipe Clan sit on the northern half of the Longhouse. The Bear, the Eel and the Deer Clan people sit on the south side of the Longhouse. When the leaders of the two moiety address one another they refer to one another as cousins.

Usually families who go to the Longhouse will sit in the same places as their parents sat years ago. There is no rule to this, but some families just do it from habit.

Continued next week.


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