It will be a hot day
1. Eniawenhniseratarihénhake It will be a hot day
2. Akwáh enwa'taríha'te It will be very hot
3. Eniorahkwatarihénhake It will be hot sun
4. Enkarahkó:ten It will be sunny
5. Enkarahkó:ta'ne It is going to be sunny
6. Eniotonríhake It will be humid
7. Enwa'tariha'tánion It will be a heat wave
8. Entewakwatá:ko ne kanonhsanóhstha We will put in our air conditioners
9. Enkiotáhrhoke ne kaweraráhtha We will put on the fan
10. Tsi iorahkwawéhrhon entewákien We will sit in the shade
11. Ohné:kanos é:so entewahnekì:ra We will drink a lot of water
12. Eniethirihwahserónnien ne onkwatshennen'okòn:'a ahotihnekaién:take tánon ahotirahkwawehrhóhstake We will make sure our pets have water and shade
13. Í:iah ka'seréhtakon tha'ethiiáhtka'we ne onkwatshennen'okòn:'a tánon ratiksa'okòn:'a tsi nón:we niio'serehtataríhen We will not leave pets or children in hot cars
14. Éntewatste wahsohkwarà:ken atsherónnia We will wear light colored clothing
15. Éntewatste ken'na'tekahsinésha atháhsteren tánon ken'na'tekanentshésha akià:tawi We will wear shorts and a short-sleeved shirt
16. Entewatá:wen We will swim
17. Í:iah éh ní:kon ne átste thaionkwaió'ten We will not work as much outside
18. Tensaráhko'se You will get sunstroke
19. Tensarahkóia'ke The sun will hit your body
20. Wa'tisarahkó:se'se The sun hit your eyes
21. Enhsheiaten'nikòn:raren ne onkwe'ta'oko n:'a tohsa ahotinonhwákten You will watch that people don't get sick
22. Tóhsa karì:wes tsi nón:we niiorákote ensewaterakénrie Don't stay in the sun too long
23. Tóhsa tensaráhkoia'ke Don't get sunstroke
24. Í:iah árok akenhnhà:ke té:ken It is not even summer yet
25. Iowén:naht tsi niio'taríhen The heat is unbearable
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