A Voice from the Eastern Door

Oh Nenhsiere Enhshnenna'taién:to

How you will plant potatoes

1. Enhsathnenna'tahserón:ni You will prepare the potatoes

2. Enwá:ton ken'nikahnenna'tá:sa'as enhshnenna'taienhnthóhseron You can plant small potatoes whole

3. Ahshén:nen tenhshnenna'tohwihánion enhsaten'niko n:raren ská:ti nonkwá:ti eniohnión:warentake You will cut the pieces in half make sure one side has a sprout

4. Káksakon enhséta'a tohkára nón:ta sanónhskon tsi niio'taríhen You will put the cut pieces on a tray at room temperature for a few days

5. Tsi nón:we nikakwe'tarónkwen enwahstáthene eniohníha'ne tsi nón:we teiohwíhen The cut surface of the potato will dry out and form a tough layer

6. Enhsathehtahserón:ni You will prepare the garden

7. Enhsi'tarakahrhátho You will plow the garden

8. Tenhsa'kenhrawénrie You will till the soil

9. Enhsata'kenhrahserón:ni You will prepare the soil

10. Enhsathahonniánion You will make rows

11. Atshó:kten enhsátsthe You will use a hoe

12. Enhsakarontónnion You will make holes

13. Enhshnena'taiénhntho ne tekahnenna'tohwihánion akwáh tsi nió:re enwa'kenhrataríha'te You will plant the potato pieces as soon as the soil warms

14. Enskahrhátho ne ohnenna :ta kakwe'tarónkwen tsi enhsiénhntho You will plant potato pieces cut side down

15. Sewahsí:ta na'tekón:teron tsi enhse'nonwaraiénhntho You will plant them 1 foot apart

16. Kaié:ri niionhkará:ken na'teióhshes tsi enhsiénhntho You will plant them 4 inches deep

17. A hsen niwahsí:take na'tekónteron tsi ienhsathahonniánion You will plant the rows 3 feet apart

18. Kaié:ri niwahsi :take ne o'ke n:ra énhsatste enhshnenna'tahrhorókhon You will cover the potatoes with four inches of soil or compost

19. Tó: niioháhake enhsiénhntho ne ohnennà:ta? How many rows of potatoes will you plant?

20. Wísk niioháhake enkiénhntho ne ohnennà:ta I will plant 5 rows of potatoes

21. Enhshón:tako entká:io ákta ne ohnennà:ta ohnión:wara You will pull out the weeds that grow near the potato plants

22. Enhshehnekanón:te You will water the plants

23. Óhonte nikahnionwaro :ten enioke :tohte Green shoots will emerge

24. Nó:nen sewahsí:ta nikontihnén:ies ohnión:wara aktónkie enhsa'kenhrakserón:ni enhsenontahrónnion ne o'kèn:ra When plants are 1 foot tall, you will hill soil along the plants

25. Enhsenontónnion, enióhnhe'ne ne í:iah teioke n:rates tsi kaiénhnthon ne ohnenna :ta tsi teioráhkion tánon tenwatahsohkwaté:ni óhonte nenwahhsohko'ténhakie Hilling keeps any shallow potatoes from being exposed to the sunlight and turning green

26. Enhsatsinón:wenhte You will pick off the potato bugs

27. Ohnenná:tase enhsó'kwate tóka no n:wa ne sha'té:kon niiohia'kserá:te niió:re shitisaiénhnthon You will dig new potatoes about eight weeks after planting

28. Ensienhnthó:ko ne iothenna'tíson nó:nen ne ohnión:wara ionenhé:ion You will harvest mature potatoes after the plants die

29. Enwá:ton o :ni kaiá:rakon enhshnenna'taiénhntho You can also plant potatoes in bags

30. Enwá:ton okahkwe n:takon tánon o'neróhkwakon enhshnenna'taiénhtho You can plant potatoes in tires and boxes


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