A Voice from the Eastern Door


Clan Systems of the Iroquois - Native north American Travelling College

Continued from last week.


Turtle Clan

The turtle Clan is one of the principal clans of the Mohawks. The turtle is the symbol of the entire earth. We walk upon the turtle’s back. The people of the Turtle Clan are the foundation of our Nation. Because of this fact the Turtle Clan people are very consistent, determined and humbly stubborn. The Turtle Clan people are in most cases very shy. They tend to be somewhat middle of the road between the Wolf and Bear Clan characteristics. Whenever anything occurs that is surprising or startling, the turtles immediately go back into their shells until they see things have calmed down, and so it is with the people of the Turtle Clan. The Turtle Clan people react best in calm, ordinary and very normal day-to-day activities. They do not appreciate surprises or sensationalism. It takes a bit of an effort to personally know a Turtle Clan person. They will acknowledge you with proper greetings, but to really become a trusted friend takes much more effort than it would with people of the other clans. The Turtle Clan people are somewhat moody. They will usually shy away at first from anything new.

The Turtle Clan people have three principle Rotiianehson titles and they are listed as follows:

Tekariho:ken, which means “Split ideas”

Aionwahta, which means “He who wakes them up”

Sa’tekari:wate, which means “Equally important issues”


Bear Clan

Each of the people have certain strong traits or characteristics. If one is sensitive and observant one could determine with some certainty what clan a person belongs to just by their behavior.

The Bear Clan people are somewhat on the bashful side and quiet. They tend to be very sensitive

To others. They are diplomatic by nature. The people of the Bear Clan usually will walk away from trouble. They can usually take a lot of ridicule, kidding and abuse, more than normal, but they do have their limit, and when you go beyond that limit you have to get out of their way. They can get very fierce. Once you get them mad or angry they will never forget. They may forgive, but they will not forget. They can and usually will hold a grudge for many, many years. It has even been said that their offspring will carry the grudge to the next generation. The Bear Clan people usually are sensitive. The Bear Clan people will know the kind of medicine needed, or if they don’t know they will probably know some who does know what can heal a sick person. The Bear are healers. It is best to say they are people of medicine. The Bear Clan people are extremely fond of small children and especially newborn babies.

In the Mohawk Nation the Bear Clan people have three principal titles and they are as follows:

Tehana’kari:ne, which means “the horn leader”

B) Ahstawenserenhtha, which means “he drops or strikes down the rattle”

Shoskoharo:wane, which means “the big Tree”

Within the Bear Clan there are three distinct extended families. In times past, people of Akwesasne knew from which family they came from. It is for this reason that the Bear Clan has three principal Roia:ne titles. There is one Roia:ne title per extended family.

Continued next week.


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