A Voice from the Eastern Door

Controversy Over Recent Press Releases

Indian Time Newspaper has received press releases in direct reference to the ongoing land claims since the inception of Indian Time Newspaper in 1983. Most recently, the events which occurred on Barnhardt Island resulted in several press releases. It’s true this paper has not published every press release we’ve received. If a press release wasn’t published, it’s not for the lack of ‘free press,’ or suppression of voices - it was for a lack of authority, opinions versus concrete facts, and misrepresentation of Akwesasne in its entirety.

To clarify what was happening and who was involved of the drafting of “Mohawk Councils Respond to Action Taken on Barnhart Island,” Indian Time contacted the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe (SRMT), the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) and the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs (MNCC). All three council were asked the same question, would you please confirm all three councils were present for the drafting of the May 22, 2024, “Mohawk Councils Respond to Action Taken on Barnhart Island” press release.

Mohawk Council of Akwesasne was the first to respond with, “The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, St. Regis Mohawk Tribe, and the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs jointly drafted the statement with assistance of their staff and legal counsel. The statement was approved by the MCA Chiefs who are responsible for managing the litigation and negotiation of the New York land claim on behalf of MCA.”

The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe responded with, “Shé:kon, the press release was drafted with input from all parties. May I ask why you would like to confirm this?”

I also asked the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe and the MNCC, “In the spirit of transparency, Indian Time would like to know who was in attendance during the drafting and writing of the said press release.”

This question wasn’t answered by the Acting Director of Communications, so the question was put forth a second time. The MNCC haven’t responded to any questions Indian Time Newspaper has asked of them.

As Akwesasronon, transparency to know who attended the meeting isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity to make informed and factual decisions. It certainly isn’t to contact, harass, hassle or badger any individual who participated in the drafting of Mohawk Councils Respond to Action Taken on Barnhart Island,” or the “Mohawk Nation Council of Condoled Rotiianeh:shon Respond to SRMT News Release and Action Taken on Barnhart Island,” or any other press release presented to the community of Akwesasne.

Akwesasne is at a critical juncture as it faces it future. We have been here many times before. We must act in greatest sense of respect to one another, to our adversaries and to our opposition.

As of press time on Wednesday, May 28, 2024, the SRMT and the MNCC haven’t answered who attended the meeting to draft the “Mohawk Councils Respond to Action Taken on Barnhart Island”

In its entirety, both press releases are presented below.

Press Release From Condoled MNCC:

AKWESASNE – Onerahtohkó:wa/May 24, 2024. The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, and Mohawk Nation Council are not a unilateral governing body of the Mohawk Nation Council and People of the Longhouse. The recent News Release issued on May 22, 2024, was written and published without the full knowledge or consent of the Mohawk Nation Council of Condoled Chiefs and Clan Mothers. Their Statement is misleading and falsely represents the Mohawk Nation Council and People of the Longhouse.

This press release states, “The three Councils remain supportive of the ongoing land claim settlement process with New York State and believe this legal process is the most effective way to regain land and ensure it benefits the entire Akwesasne community.” However, one of the three Councils are NOT fully supportive of the land claim settlement. The Mohawk Nation Council’s disagreement has been reduced to an “Internal Issue,” but this issue is nothing other than a clear disagreement of the full council on behalf of the People of the Longhouse, which is an obvious overturn of any prior consensus.

Condoled Rotiianeh:shon of the three clans of the MNCC have made it known publicly in court filings and directly to the attorney (Alexandra Page) and the federal court that they wish to withdraw from the litigation matter. The attorney continues to intentionally ignore communication outside of one chief. The practices of the attorney may be viewed as conspiring with the State of New York and NYPA in coercing an individual Wolf Clan chief to move forward in a matter that is unwarranted by the Mohawk Nation and the People of the Longhouse. It should be further noted that the consensus decision of the Council dating to 2003 from which some members of MNCC are now deceased and the ideals of any initiation of litigation no longer stands.

Barnhart Island is and will always be Onkwehon:we territory. In the press release, the SRMT states -“Barnhart was under Akwesasne’s possession until the 1820s when illegal takings took place”. That alone indicates the corruption and solidifies the fraudulent acquiring of our homelands. NYPA’s focus on the implementation of quit claim language of Barnhart Island in the current draft of the settlement clarifies their ill-intent to clear title under the negotiations. The actions taken by NYS and NYPA can be defined as Genocide.

There have been recent actions of individuals who have erected signs and/or begun construction in an effort to reclaim Onkwehon:we land on Barnhart Island. The free will of the people is the free will of the people and there are still Onkwehon:we with very valid concerns in addressing the title to lands that are still in our stewardship. The actions of the individuals are political and should not be dealt with in a criminal court.

Additionally, it is clear that actions performed by the parties and/or attorney(s) involved in the matter are in fact aggravating resources and the courts time by prolonging the “internal issue” of MNCC. The resolution has been made clear and stands; Mohawk Nation Council and People of the Longhouse have made the decision to withdraw from the matter, this includes longhouses across the Mohawk territories issuing statements separately encouraging a withdrawal. The federal court has also recognized the clan families as “Non-party” by way of a declaration submitted to the court on February 26th, 2024. In labeling the remainder of the MNCC Condoled Rotiianeh:shon and Iotiianeh:shon as a “Non-party”, the federal court may or may not have clarified the corruption of the overall NYS Land Claim Settlement.

The press release noted: Should the Akwesasne Land Claim Settlement negotiations continue to move forward, falsely including Mohawk Nation Council and People of the Longhouse, the agreement will be treated as non-binding to the Mohawk Nation Council and People of the Longhouse. Title to lands of the Kanienkeha:ka and Haudenosaunee at large have never been relinquished and jurisdiction has never been ceded to the United States or New York State

The occurrence in this matter thus far lays out prominent evidence of actions and/or performances relevant to the principle of Nemo Dat Quod Non Habet, meaning “no one can give what they do not have.”

Any questions/concerns please contact your condoled Rotiianeh:shon directly Sharenhow:wane @ 315 296 6074 or Tehanakarine @ 514 730 3017.

Indian Time contacted the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA), the Saint Regis Tribal Council and the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs administrative office.

MCA did confirm the following, “ The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, St. Regis Mohawk Tribe, and the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs jointly drafted the statement with assistance of their staff and legal counsel. The statement was approved by the MCA Chiefs who are responsible for managing the litigation and negotiation of the New York land claim on behalf of MCA.”

Mohawk Councils Respond to Action Taken on Barnhart Island:

AKWESASNE — (Onerahtohkó:wa/May 22, 2024) The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, and Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs wish to address the recent actions of a small group of individuals who have erected signs suggesting a reclamation of Mohawk land on Barnhart Island.

“We understand the feelings of some tribal members that we own Barnhart Island since it is part of our historic homelands. However, we do not feel this action is productive or helpful and can set back our progress in the land claim settlement, which is nearing a positive resolution and could bring over 14,000 acres of Mohawk homelands to the community,” the Tribal Council stated.

While we understand the historical land grievances that led to this action, the Mohawk Councils do not support or condone these actions.

The land in question, which was historically Mohawk land, has not been under Akwesasne’s possession since the 1820s due to illegal takings. The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council, the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, and the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs are currently engaged in a settlement process with New York State to address longstanding land rights issues. The proposed agreement would recognize rights of access by Akwesasne community members to Barnhart Island.

This settlement process is crucial for our community's long-term benefit and sustainability. Through legal and collaborative efforts, we strive to assert our rightful jurisdiction, recover land title, and protect our heritage while maintaining peaceful and positive relationships with our neighbors.

The three Councils remain supportive of the ongoing land claim settlement process with New York State and believe this legal process is the most effective way to regain land and ensure it benefits the entire Akwesasne community.


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