A Voice from the Eastern Door

Nahè:'a Tsi Niwenhniserò:tens

Recent Weather

1. Nahè:'a tsi niwenhniserò:tens Recent Weather

2. Enníska tsi náhe wa'kiaonhwentsíshonhkwe Last February there was an earthquake

3. Sewenhníta tsi náhe wa'tewaterahkwá:seren Last month, we had an eclipse

4. Sewennì:ta tsi náhe iothó:rehkwe Last month it was very cold

5. Ki:ken wenhni'tarakie on'tariha'tánion This month it was very hot

6. Tsiahià:ksera tsi náhe wa'onon'ón:ti ne Ahkwesáhshne Last week, it did hail in Ahkwesáhshne

7. Ón:wa wa'okennoréhseron Now, it is very rainy

8. Kaniatarí:io nonkwá:ti iowehrenhákies tánon Tsiaontarí:kon nonkwá:ti wa'ón:ni ne taontenón:nianihte tsi niwenhniserò:ten Thunderstorms in Ontario and Quebec created a risk of severe weather

9. Kawera'sátste, wa'tkawerahkwe, wa'onon'ón:ti tanon taka'nahkwáweron tsi wao'kén:nore There were strong winds, hail and heavy rain

10. Othorè:ke nonkwá:ti wahotikén:nore ia'tewatté:ni són:keren'ne Northern Ontario had rain that changed to snow

11. Kí:ken iohia :kseratákie, Ahkwesáhshne tánon Tsi kaná:taien wao'terónta'ne ne katsiskaienni'tón:ni tahotí́hkwa'te This week, Ahkwesáhshne and Cornwall had a tornado warning

12. Kí:ken iohià:kseratákie, Ohstoronon'kéhshon ronnakiohkowá:nen ne onkwe'ta'okòn:'a wa'ohterónhta'ne taontenonnianihtánion ne aontonhniseraksa'tánion This weekend, in the US, millions of people had severe weather warnings

13. Katsiskaionná:ta tanon ka'sátste wa'thotiweratá:se They had tornados and high winds

14. Na:kon nonkwá:ti tsi tewén:teron taio'nahkwáweron tsi nahotikén:nore They are having heavy rains to the east of us

15. Io kwenhrá:ron ne nà:kon nonkwá:ti tenwatenón:nianihte enhotí:ienhte tsienká:wehre Parts of the east coast will have severe thunderstorms

16. Énkie nonkwá:ti iotónriokt tánon ieiaohetstáhkwen tsi non'tariha'tánion It is extremely hot in the south

17. Tsi niwenhniserò:tens ronthró:ris iehatíhes kí:ken wakenhnhà:te akwáh ísi nón:we tsi nenkaieránion Weather forecasters say weather this summer may be extraordinary

18. Sewennì:ta niió:re tekaweratase'kó:wa niwakenhnhò:ten entewatáhsawen The hurricane season begins next month

19. Teiottenionhákie tsi niwenhniserò:tens The climate is changing

20. Sótsi iohshnó:re teiottenionhákie It is difficult to adapt


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