A Voice from the Eastern Door


They are visiting us

1. Akwáh ken'nihá:ti onkwehón:we Quite a few Native people

2. Enionkhinatahré:nahse They will visit us

3. Tonanawanda nithoné:non They came from Tonawanda

4. Onondaga nithoné:non They came from Onondaga

5. Tanon Tuscaora nithoné:non And they came from Tuscarora

6. Albany o:ni nontahón:ne People also came from Albany

7. Washington D.C. o:ni nontahón:ne People also came from Washington, DC

8. Ronterihwatsterístha ne Onhwentsia'kehkha They take care of the environment

9. Ohserón:ni wahontkennísa'a They met together

10. Ithaca o:ni wahotike :tohte People also arrived from Ithaca, NY

11. Ithaca nithonenónhseron They came from Ithaca

12. Iakotirihonnién:ni tánon Teachers and

13. Ronteweiénstha wahón:newe Students arrived

14. Wahonwatiié:nawa'se They helped them

15. Ne Ahkwesáhshne Rontatewenní:io The Ahkwesáhshne

Tsi ionteweienstáhkhwa Freedom School

16. Tehontohtáhrhhos They are cleaning up

17. Ronwatiienawa :se They are helping

18. Rontenonhsón:ni tsi iontweienstáhkhwa They are building the school

19. Soséhne o'karahshnéha Wednesday evening

20. Akwé:kon o:ni enhonwatí:nonte They will feed everyone

21. Akwe:kon enhonten'nikonhro:ri All of them will have fun

22. Kanonhséshne enhonkia'taro :roke They will gather at the longhouse

23. Ohserón:ni enhatikhón:ni They shall cook together

24. Tho:ne tenhontska :nhon Then everyone shall eat

25. Tenhatinonniáhkwe They will dance

26. Teniakhinonhwará:ton We shall greet them

27. Tsi ní:kon tánon tsi nikari:wes wa'onkhiia'takénhnha For the things and the time

28. Ietshihonkará:wis ne aontésewe They invite you to come

29. Tesewatatenatahré:nas Visit eat other

30. Ne aesewaten'nikonhró:ri You all ought to have a good time


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