They did celebrate
1. Ki:ken onkiahiakseró:kten teioweienhnhara'ón:ne It was a busy weekend
2. É:so wahonten'nikonhró:ri There were many celebrations
3. Akhwátsire wa'thatí:ta'ne wa'onkenatahré:nahse My family stopped to visit me
4. Kanisténhsera akawenhnísera Mother's Day
5. Wa'akwakia'tarò:roke We gathered
6. Wa'kiathinonhwará:ton ne ka'nisténhsera We greeted the mothers
7. Karíhton wa'onkhikhónnion ne ohrhon'kè:ne The police cooked for us
8. Karíhton ò:ni wa'onkhikhwahéhrhahse The police serve us
9. Sahatiksoharénion tánon ACFS tánon karíhton wa'thonkiéhste wa'onkhitsi'tsiawíhon ne rotikstenhokòn:'a They washed the dishes and ACFS and police go together and gave the elders flowers
10. Io tsi'tsiáhskats wa'onktsi'tsiahní:non'se They bought me beautiful flowers
11. Kahiatonhserí:io wa'onkhní:non'se They bought me a beautiful card
12. Wa'onktsikhe'tahní:non'se They bought me candy
13. Kion'wé:sen tsi teiontska'nhónhkhwa They took me to a nice ia'onkia'ténhawe restaurant
14. Taionkwatenwennátahse They called me
15. Onkwenhniseriióhsten I had a nice day
16. Tekonnonhwará:tons Ka'nisténhsera Akowén:tawen Happy mother's day!
17. Kheié:iahre ne ake'nisténha. Kheia'tíhsaks. I am thinking of my mother. I miss her.
18. Ronteweiénstha 2024 wa'thontóhetste Aohiatónhsera The class of 2024 graduated
19. Tsi ionteweienstahkhwa'kó:wa kí:ken onkiahia'kseró:kten From college this weekend
20. Teiontohetstáhkhwa raonanón:warore tánon teiontohetstáhkhwa raonakia'tawì:tshera Most wore caps and gowns
21. Karihwanó:ron tanon Anerahtónkie orihwakaionhnéha wahiakia :tawi'te tsi wa'thiatóhetste Karihwanó:ron and Anerahtónkie wore their traditional outfits for graduation
22. Ion'wesénhne tsi wa'thontóhetste It was a nice graduation
23. Ronteweiénstha ronatshennón:ni tsi wahatíhsa'a tsi wahontéweienste tánon wahotihiatonhseraién:ta'ne The students were happy to have completed their studies and received their diplomas
24. Tekwanonhwará:tons akwé:kon tsi nítsion tsi wa'tisewatóhetste! We congratulate all of you graduates!
25. Sewatera'shwiióhak! Good luck to you all!
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