A Voice from the Eastern Door

Tewa'a:raton (The Creator's Game) Lacrosse

The game of Lacrosse has been a mainstay among the Rotinonshonni. The first purpose of the game is spiritual. It is a medicine game to be played upon request of any individual, clan, nation or the Confederacy itself. Iroquois Lacrosse is a holistic process that binds communities and the nations of the Rotinonshonni together. This is the reason that we say it was a gift to our people from the Creator.

Lacrosse is a “medicine” game because it promotes the health and strength of the Nation, ensuring a continuance of our tradition and an understanding of our ways. The competing teams are structured according to the clans of each nation. The game is played upon the request of any individual within the community requiring or desiring its services. There are traditional processes of preparation for the individuals who play. This requires discipline and special instruction. The process includes the understanding and use of traditional medicine gathered from the forests. Accordingly, reverence, respect, responsibility and language are fundamental to the process.

This game is traditionally played by the men but requires the participation of both men and women of the community. It requires cooperation, fair play, discipline, stamina, pride, and good health. Originally, the field, with goals at each end could be anywhere from one hundred yards to two miles long and the players could number anywhere from one hundred yards to two miles long and the players could number anywhere from five to a thousand on a side.

The Great Game

Our grandfathers told us many stories that would relate to lacrosse and how one should conduct themselves and the importance of the Individual to the game. Lacrosse was a gift to us from the Creator, to be played for his enjoyment and as a medicine fame for healing the people. The Rotinonshonni people knew that all creatures, no matter how big or small, are significant and have a contribution to make to the overall cycle of life. Long ago we were told the following story about a great ball game that took place between the four-legged animals and the winged birds…

The captains for the four-legged animals were: The Bear-whose weight overpowers all opposition, the Deer whose speed and agility to stop and go made him invaluable to the team, and the Great Turtle, who could withstand the most powerful blows and still be able to advance towards the opposition.

The captains for the winged birds were the Owl, who excelled in the ability to keep his eye on the ball, no matter what position or direction the ball may be traveling. The Hawk and Eagle both excel in quick, swift movements. These three represented all the winged animals.

While the birds were preparing for the game, they noticed two small creatures, hardly larger than a feather, climbing up a tree where the winged leaders were perched. Upon reaching the top, they humbly asked the captains to be allowed to join the lacrosse game.

The Eagle, easily noticing that they were a squirrel and a mouse, inquired as to why they didn’t ask to join the animal team. The little creatures explained that they had asked but had been laughed at and rejected because of their small size.

On hearing their story, the bird captains took pity on them, but wondered how they could join the birds’ team if they had no wings. After some discussion, it was decided that they would try to make wings for the little fellows, but how would they do it?

Continued next week.


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