A Voice from the Eastern Door
It ought to change again outside
Taonsakaté:ni ne átste It ought to change outside again
Ensewenhniserésha’ne The days will get long again
Ohrhonkéhrtsi á:re tontakarahkwíneken’ne The sun is up early in the morning again
Sénha karì:wes á:re ienskaráhkwen’ne The sunset is later in the day again
Ensewenhniserehsónhake The days will be long again
Sénha karì:wes á:re tenkió:karahwe It will get dark later again
Enwá:ton sénha karì:wes átste enwé:seke nó:nen entewaio’tenhserén:ta’ne tánon entewateweienstá:ko We can spend more time outside after work and school
Nó:nen iorákote, ensewentaná:wen’ne When it is sunny, it will be mild again
Sénha enhskarahkwataríha’te The sun will get a bit warmer again
Son’tariha’tánion It is warming up again
Tsiotarihá:ton It is again warm
Tsionhwentsia’nhétska The earth is soft again
Tsionawatstà:ke ne átste There is mud outside again
Entsiowerataríhen’ne It will be a warm wind again
Tsiowerataríhen tsiowerarákie’s A warm wind is blowing again
Né:k tsi shé:kon iohsón:tano But the nights are still cold
Tonsahsté:ni ne sarahkwaka'aión:tha! Change your clock again!
Saskwatá:ko ne karahkwaka’aión:tha! Fix the clock again!
Awentatokenhti :ke énska enkahwista :’eke ohén:ton énhtshente ne sarahkwaka’aión:tha On Sunday, you will turn your clock 1 hour ahead
Sesa’nikónhrhen kénh aiesahén:ton ne sarahkwaka’aión:tha? Did you forget to turn your clock ahead?
Ohén:ton sá:ktate ne akerahkwaka’aión:tha I turned my clock ahead
Énska enkahwistà:’eke entsionkwá:ti We will lose one hour again
Entewentó:ren ne ohrhon’kè:ne entewatkétsko It will be difficult to get up in the morning
Tsiahià:ksera niió:re kióhton iawén:re enhská:ra’ne entewatáhsawen ne kakwite :ne nikahá:wi Next week, it will be spring again on March 19
E:so nahè:’a tewatténies tsi niwenhniserò:tens The weather has been changing a lot lately
Io’taríhen tsi niwenhníseres tánon ahsonhthèn:ne ensewathó:raté́ It is very warm during the day then bitter cold at night
Aiá:wens tóhsa aonsakanié:ien. I hope we do not get any more snow again
Iohshnó:re wa’kionkwakenhnhón:ti Nice weather came early
Rón:ton shé’s tóka ne Enniskó:wa eniawentanawénhake én:wawe They use to say if March came in with mild weather
Nó:nen enwatenhni’tòkten eniokwá:ienhte. Ionkwahrhá:rek. At the end of the month, we might get hit with a big storm. Let’s be waiting.
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