A Voice from the Eastern Door

Clarkson University Offering Aquatic Sciences, Engineering, and Technology Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates

Clarkson University is once again offering its Aquatic Sciences, Engineering, and Technology Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (ASET-REU) program to undergraduate students who are looking for summer research opportunities.

The ASET-REU program is a 10-week immersive research experience serving 10 undergraduate students with summer-based research in a range of disciplines organized in the broad categories of aquatic natural sciences, aquatic sustainability sciences, and aquatic resource engineering.

ASET-REU will focus on environmental research in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River watershed. The program includes a programmatic emphasis on Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River with the community of Akwesasne, the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe.

Scholars will be diverse in perspective, discipline, and demographics with intentional recruitment from a variety of institution types, grade levels, and disciplines and sub-disciplines.

Scholars will develop a diverse background and interdisciplinary network, foster an understanding of research, create strong relationships with mentors and peers, and acquire experiences in all aspects of research, motivating them toward and positioning them for a STEM career.

Participants will receive a $6,000 stipend, round-trip travel arranged by Clarkson to and from Potsdam, and on-campus housing.

The application deadline for Clarkson’s ASET-REU program is February 23. For more information about the ASET-REU program at Clarkson University and to apply, visit clarkson.edu/about/departments/aset-research-experience-undergrads-reu.


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