A Voice from the Eastern Door


The Snow Melted Again

1. Sawentanawénhne It was mild again

2. Tonsakaniéhtahkwe The snow melted again

3. Tonsakawí:sahkwe The ice melted again

4. Tonsakáwerahkwe The wind picked up

5. Tsioniehtanawenhákie The snow was melting along again

6. Iowistanawenhákie It is melting along

7. Tsík nón:we kahnekónnion There is water all over

8. Iohonwa'takè:ron There are puddles

9. Í:iah kanéka tetsioteniehtáhere There is no snow anywhere

10. Ohontóhskon kí:ken átste Everything is green outside

11. Iokennorénhne It rained

12. Saio'kénnore It rained again

13. Sakaronhiohró:ke It was cloudy again

14. Tontakawístohte Then it became cool again

15. Io'keren'ónhne It was snowing

16. Òn:keren'ne It snowed lightly

17. Sòn:keren'ne It snowed lightly again

18. Sakanié:ien It snowed again

19. Wenhniseraksénhne énkie nonkwá:ti The weather was bad to the south

20. Són:shwa' The power went out again

21. Ohstónha skaniéhtaien There is a little snow on the ground again

22. Io thó:rehkwe It was cold

23. Sonthó:rate It became cold again

24. Tonsaio'tsiskwáhta'ne It was slippery again

25. Iorahkó:tahkwe It was sunny

26. Enió:karahwe ensewà:keren'ne Tomorrow, it will snow again

27. Enskanién:ien There will be snow again

28. Ensewathó:rate It will be cold again

29. Ensewá:keren'ne It will snow lightly again

30. Wá:kehre ni' ó:nen ken akwé:kon tenhskaniéhtahkwe I thought all the snow will be gone


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Rendered 01/26/2025 22:46