A Voice from the Eastern Door
We had the first snowfall
1. Kí:ken iohia'kseratákie tonkié:renhte ón:keren'ne This week we had our first snowfall
2. Tonkié:renhte wa'okén:rore First it rained
3. Sók wa'onen'ón:ti Then it did sleet
4. Tsi niwahshòn:tes ón:keren'ne Overnight it did snow
5. Ostón:ha wa'onkwaniehtaién:ta'ne We received a little snow on the ground
6. Ioniehtaná:nawen The snow is wet
7. Ioniehtákste The snow is heavy
8. Kaniehtí:io The snow is nice
9. Wahtkahthohtsherí:io It is a nice view
10. Akwé:kon ioteniehtáhere Everything is covered in snow
11. Ioteniehtáhere ne kanónhsa There is snow on the house
12. Ioteniehtáhere ne okwirà:ke There is snow on the tree
13. Ioteniehtáhere ne tsi karonwaratákie There is snow on the wires
14. Kanié:ien There is snow on the ground
15. Ioteniehtáhere ne ohahà:ke There is snow on the road
16. Teia'o'tsískwa ne ohaha'kéhshon The roads were a little slippery
17. Í:iah tha'teionarahtá:ton ne iakoia'takarénies The buses did not run
18. Ioniehtakstéhkwe The snow was heavy
19. Takarón:waren'ne The wires came down
20. Ontehnhotónnion ne tsi ionteweienstahkhwaniónhkhwa Schools were closed
21. Tsi ionteweienstáhkhwa tekahwistà:'eke óh nà:ken rón:ne School was delayed 2 hours
22. Rotiio'ténion tekahwista:'eke oh na :ken rón:ne Work was delayed 2 hours
23. Akenekotà:ke teiao'tsikwahtòn:ne My step was slippery
24. Wa'tewako'tsiskohá:ton I slipped around a lot
25. Ioteniehtáhere ne kà:sere There is snow on the car
26. Wa'keniéhtenhte ne akè:sere I did remove snow from my car
27. Ioteniehtáhere ne tsi ionkwathá:te There is snow on our driveway
28. Í:iah teioniehtahnó:tes The snow is not deep
29. Í:iah tha'tekeniehtohtáhrhon I do not shovel snow
30. K hiehkhiahonkhonwì:sere tsi kaniéhtaien I drove right through the snow on the ground
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