A Voice from the Eastern Door

Hydro Stations Are Not The Spot To Cool Down

Stay clear, stay safe around hydroelectric facilities and dams

CORNWALL, ON – In the hot summer weather, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) reminds the public that hydroelectric stations and dams are not places to cool down.

Many of OPG's hydro facilities are controlled remotely. Operators can open or operate dams at any time, leading to fast flowing water and movement downstream, which could create strong undertows, turbulence, and sudden, powerful gushes.

OPG also reminds the public to stay clear of areas with fences, buoys, booms, and

barriers and comply with all warning signs.

For more information about water safety, please visit: http://www.opg.com/watersafety.

Quick facts:

• OPG operates 66 hydroelectric stations and 240 dams on 24 Ontario River


• Despite continued warnings, some people disregard our signs and barriers,

putting themselves and first responders at risk.

• OPG works with Ontario Provincial Police to enforce these warnings, including

laying charges.


"Water around OPG's hydroelectric stations and dams may look welcoming, but could

be extremely dangerous," said Paul Seguin, OPG SVP, Renewable Generation.

"Whether you're a boater, angler, or just looking for a nice spot to cool off, please obey

the signs and barriers around our stations and dams."


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