A Voice from the Eastern Door

Entertainment Binge

By Isaac White

After some reflection following last week’s edition, I realized that I have misled you a couple of times. Nothing serious. It’s not an offense that I think is enough for you to stop reading me. Nor do I believe it’s something grievously offensive. I believe, sadly, that it’s my talkative nature that has led to my shortcomings.

I’m speaking of the times when I mention there are multiple shows or movies to talk about and I end up not getting to all of them. The reason is not malicious. Of course, I wouldn’t want to deprive you of any joy you get from reading my words. That’s if you do, though I think if you’ve stuck with me this long I must be doing something correct.

No, the reason that happens is because I’m long-winded. I like to talk about visual media. As I’ve shared before, I find almost no greater joy outside my family than movies and tv. Judge me as being low intellect or just plain uninteresting if need be. It’s just the way it is.

I offer this missive (sort of) just as an explanation of why you may call out after reading Entertainment Binge, “Isaac lied to me. He said there were 3 pieces he was going to talk about and he only spoke of 2.”

Now, I know it’s probably not a big deal but believe it or not I do feel a responsibility to you as readers and part of that is being faithful to the words I write. And as I mentioned before, my explanation is straightforward. I’m long-winded. I really can’t tell if that’s a good thing or bad. People peruse this every week and from what I have been told, Entertainment Binge gets a decent readership.

On that note, I think that I need, no deserve (I’m being facetious), for more of the world to read my words. Ready for the world. Ha ha ha. I’m just kidding. But seriously, spread the word about how much fun I am.

Anyway, as I’ve just demonstrated, I like to chat and in staying on brand with what I’ve put forth all these weeks, my opening monologue occupies a lot of room. And it leads to me coming up short at times. I’ll share a bit of insight for me and Entertainment Binge. Literally EVERY week, I have to cut quite a bit from my article. Those words are gold and it pains me to watch them go in a digital bloodletting by Adobe.

On that note I have three works I want to touch upon this week. Four if I can fit it in. It’s funny, the fourth one I have in mind is the best one of the bunch but I don’t want to squeeze it because it’s so good that it deserves full splendor.

It’s all movies this week. I’ve been watching some of my regular shows but on the tv side it’s been mostly true crime and documentary stuff. So I’m not really in the mood to go over it right now because it’s kind of disjointed and has no sense of continuity. Basically my wife and I see true crime and give it a whirl so there’s no sort of planned thing with those genres.

So movies it is. Starting with…..wait for it…..wait for it…..Ok I’m just being ridiculous now. The first movie I want to discuss is quite different from what I usually choose. As I was prepping for this week’s edition, I realized that while I sometimes promise things that I don’t get to, I also tend to watch and review movies of a certain feel.

I think I cover a lot of movies with heavy themes. Sometimes dark. And I DO have one of those this week. I’m sorry but it’s my natural predilection to be more drawn to those films. I do, however, love good light comedies along with nicely done family movies. So I’m leading off with a family film. One that I enjoyed a lot.

Onward is an animated family film from 2020. Yes it’s not exactly new, but as you know I run the range in this series. I think it’s stale to only talk about the newest of the new. I’m here to talk about movies and tv in general. That being said, I kind of regret not having watched this movie back years ago.

Set in a fantasy world, the film tells the story of two brothers, Ian Lightfoot (Tom Holland), and his brother Barley (That’s hay, that’s barleh – If you get the reference kudos you’re cool and we should be friends – seriously – I’m just funnin around) have lost their father at very young ages.

While that’s a pain they carry with them every day, their mother Laurel (Julia Louis-Dreyfuss) does a wonderful job raising the boys despite losing her husband many years ago. I really want to play up the job Louis-Dreyfuss did in this movie. I’m going to just say LD from here on out. I have a problem running out of room so it’ll save me some space. Of course I just used up a lot saying this. Ok. Stop.

Laurel is a top-notch mom. She has raised two boys that have their quirks but above all else, the three love each other in a very deep way. It’s wonderful to see that on screen even if its cartoons. After all, even though the characters are fantastical magical beings (who forgot how to do magic) it’s still the human connection we gravitate toward.

This movie hits on that. The relationship between the brothers is incredibly warming. They disagree, during the film they have an inevitable huge blowout. But the love for each other helps them return and make their journey to resurrect their father who passed with a magic staff he left for them before his death.

This is one of the most fun and heartwarming animated family films I’ve seen in quite a while. You will likely get choked up during the viewing of the movie. It’s hard not to, but the payoff is worth a small emotional toll. To me anyway. The animation is really cool, the voice acting is great. Especially Octavia Spencer who plays The Manticore, one of the funniest and coolest characters I’ve ever seen in an animated movie. If you get a chance, give Onward a chance. Certainly worth the run time.

Really quickly I want to mention the movie Quasi. Brought to you by the guys who made Super Troopers and Beerfest, Broken Lizard. Now, Super Troopers is one of my favorite movies of all time. And yes, I really liked the second movie, insult me all you want. Beerfest is great too.

The problem with Broken Lizard is that their stuff, for me, is very hit or miss. If it’s good it’s very good. If it’s bad, it’s very bad. Quasi is bad. I’m sorry but it is. And I think the problem starts with the premise. The movie tells the story of Quasimodo, the famous Hunchback of Notre Dame.

In this movie he is played by Steve Lemme. I think he is hilarious in many things. If you haven’t watched him and Kevin Heffernan in Tacoma FD, the television series, you are really missing out. It’s hysterical and worth the time. Unlike Quasi.

Quasi basically gets trapped between a rock and a hard place when the King of France and the Pope both order Quasi to kill the other to get them out of their respective way. I thought the plot was stupid quite frankly. I mean I know that’s harsh but I don’t know why they started from this base.

Anyway, I’m not going to give anything more than that. I’m running out of room already and this movie is so bad I’m not going to waste more of my precious. Yes my precious is space, not a ring. Can you picture me in a cave typing in the dark trying to hoard my article room in the paper? I need to get it together. If you watch Quasi, don’t get mad at me. I tried to warn you. It’s bad.

I’m going to get to three like I promised. The third movie is The Boston Strangler, starring Keira Knightley as real life reporter Loretta McLaughlin and Carrie Coon as fellow journalist Jean Cole. The movie is about, of course, the Boston Strangler.

If you’re a true crime fan you probably have heard of the case and the person most believe committed the murders of 13 women, Albert DeSalvo. This movie is the story of the two real life women who were Boston journalists that investigated the Strangler murders back in the 1960s.

Even as a bit of a true crime buff, I must admit that DeSalvo and the Boston murders are not a subject I know very well so I went in to the movie with not much prior knowledge of the facts. Which perhaps helped me enjoy it a bit more than some.

I’m not saying this movie is great. It’s not bad. You all know I love the aspect of investigating and a good thriller is awesome. And that’s certainly part of the movie. In fact, that is most of the film. Which was good for me. I tend to like those parts of crime movies. The investigation and exploration of the evidence in order to reach a conclusion on WHODUNNIT.

Overall I would recommend giving it a chance. It’s not on the level of Zodiac but what is right? The acting is pretty good. Knightley has never impressed me as an actor. Coon however, is someone I’ve always found to be very good. In fact, I thought she did so well in Gone Girl that I expected her to get larger roles. Perhaps that is starting to happen.

I have run myself out of town. I mean I have run out of space. I bet I’ll still have to cut some stuff even though I did a better job of keeping myself in check. Everyone have a good weekend.

Thanks for reading and until next week…..


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