A Voice from the Eastern Door

KSCS Coming in Clutch for NAIG Athletes

KAHNAWA:KE – The Sports and Recreation Unit of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke is elated to announce that financial support has been provided for all Kahnawà:ke athletes participating in the 2023 North American Indigenous Games (NAIG), which are being hosted in the traditional territory of the Mi’kmaq People in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

A financial contribution of $113,000, through the Child and Family Services fund of Kahnawà:ke Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services (KSCS), has made it possible for the athletes of the Team Kahnawà:ke contingent of Team Eastern Door and the North to attend the games, taking place from July 15 – 23.

The following list highlights the coverage areas for participating athletes:

athletes will be provided uniforms and equipment;

registration fees pertaining to NAIG participation;

supplement of an additional meal per day for each athlete (in addition to meals provided by NAIG); and

athlete swag: t-shirts, polos, and trading pins.

“We’re thrilled that KSCS has come in clutch with this funding,” said Director of Sports and Recreation Roiahtate Horn. “Athletes can focus on training for their respective sports without the burden of worrying about how they’ll need to raise funds to prepare and attend.”

“We’re very pleased to see the ongoing support that has been provided to Kahnawà:ke sports and its athletes,” said Ratsénhaienhs Harry Rice. “As a former athlete, knowing your community is behind you is not only inspirational, it’s also a great motivator that drives you to achieve your goals, which is: bringing home the gold.”

Further details for each area covered (uniform sizing, travel details, registrations, etc.) will be communicated directly to athletes through their respective team coaches and managers. If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach Roiahtate at (450) 638-3311.

NOTE: To date, there has been no change to the NAIG Council decision preventing COVID-19 unvaccinated athletes from participating in the games.


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