A Voice from the Eastern Door

SLC Arts Call for Artwork: "My Beautiful Garden" Exhibition

SLC Arts invites artists to submit artwork for their 2023 Town Hall exhibit, “My Beautiful Garden!” SLC Arts are asking for submissions of any 2D medium relating to the theme to be displayed at the exhibit. The submission deadline is June 18th. Please submit online through https://slcartscouncil.org/exhibits/

This exhibit is curated by Sharon H.J. Cheng, an artist working with SLC Arts through the Creatives Rebuild New York grant program. Sharon has put together a series of Town Hall exhibits with the intention of offering a more accessible exhibit series for our creative community.

Artwork may be created using any 2D medium. Framing, matting, etc. is not required as SLC Arts plans to handle installation as a way to make this exhibit more accessible to the community. If artists would like to submit pieces that are framed, etc., please closely follow these size guidelines: Photos should be printed to 5 x 7”; Unframed paper and other 2D media should be no larger than 8 x 10”; Frames, canvas, or other non-paper surfaces should be no larger than 20 x 24” and must be fit with hanging hardware. There is no jury fee required for this exhibit.

The opening reception for this exhibit will be held on Thursday, June 29th at 5pm at the Potsdam Town Hall. Attendance is not mandatory but strongly encouraged. Artists will be given the opportunity to discuss their work. If you have any questions regarding this exhibit, please contact our Interim Director of Arts Center and Education at [email protected].

SLC Arts manages all sales, collects sales tax and shipping fees (if applicable), and covers credit card fees. The artist will receive a commission of 70% of the sale price.

Submission criteria:

Each entrant may submit 1-5 works to be juried. Accepted works must be brought to SLC Arts by Tuesday, June 27th.

Artwork submitted may have been created at any time; there is no restriction on date of creation.

Artists must include Title of Work, Year of Work, Artist’s Name, Medium, and Total Sale Price (that the customer will pay).

Artists strongly urged to have their work for sale - listed price should include 70% for the artist and 30% commission for SLC Arts.

Artists who do not wish to sell their work must still provide an estimate of value for insurance purposes.


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