A Voice from the Eastern Door
The Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment (ATFE) would like to thank everyone responsible for making the Annual Seed and Tree Giveaway a huge success. We want to thank the following for their generous donation of seeds: Childstock Farms; Craig, Dave, and Mary Arquette; and Fedco Seed Company. We would also like to thank Franklin County Soil and Water Conservation District and Iron Path Farms for their generous donation of trees to support agroforestry programming to encourage planting more native hardwood trees in our homelands. We are grateful to Generations Park for hosting the event and to John Bonaparte for picking up the trees at the Saratoga Tree Nursery. ATFE would like to thank the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe for financially supporting this event through the American Rescue Plan Act funds. We also thank our partners at the Akwesasne Child and Family Services Traditional Support Services Program for donating seed starting kits and potting soil to the community.
We want to give special thanks to the teachers and students from the Akwesasne Freedom School and the other volunteers who have been helping to package seeds for almost 30 years. ATFE has been planting, harvesting, saving, and distributing open-pollinated, organic, and original Haudenosaunee seeds in the community since the early 1990s to support traditional agriculture in Akwesasne. For those community members that picked up seeds and trees, you now have the responsibility to plant and take care of them so that they will take care of you. We encourage you to save seeds in the fall and distribute them to your family, to keep our traditional agriculture sustainable for future generations.
Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment
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