The Chiefs, Clanmothers and Faithkeepers would like to send our greetings and thank yous to everyone that attended and helped out during the mid-winter ceremonies. It takes everyone coming together as one and using a good mind to put these ceremonies through for Sonkwaiatison. We could not have done this without the people that brought in and prepared the foods for the ceremonies, cleaned the longhouse, and the young men that cut wood, and took care of the woodstoves to keep the people warm during the mid-winter ceremonies. We would also like to send a Niawenkowa AEM for plowing the driveway and parking lot. A Niawenkowa to anyone else that helped out behind the scenes that we might have missed.
For those people that did not make it back for Peach Stone game, the Second day, The Wolves and Turltes won. If you put something up, you can pick up your items at the Mohawk Nation office.
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