A Voice from the Eastern Door

Rotón:ni Nikahá:wi Aó:wen Wa'katekhwahrá:ne

I am going to a Christmas Party

1. Rotón:ni nikahá:wi aó:wen wa'katekhwahrá:ne I am going to a Christmas party

2. Kakia'tahserón:nis I am getting dressed up

3. Kakia'karóntha I am putting a blouse

4. Kate'whahsóntha I am putting on a skirt

5. Kakia'tawì:tha I am putting on a shirt/ dress

6. Tekatháhsteren'ks I am putting on pants

7. Kate'wahsaróntha I am putting on earrings

8. Kaníhkia'ks I am putting on a necklace

9. Kanihsnonhsawì:tha I am putting on a ring

10. Tekatenentsháhnha'ks I am putting on a watch

11. Katsherón:niks I am putting on socks

12. Tekaráhta'as I am putting on shoes

13. Kanonhwaró:ro'ks I am putting on a hat

14. Katenerokóntha I am putting on a jacket

15. Kenonotsheronniánions I am wrapping a present

16. Enkheháhrhahse Shakohstón:hakari'wahséhton I am giving the gift as a secret Santa

17. Enwakenonotsheraién:ta'ne ò:ni I am going to receive a gift too

18. Akwé:kon ne skáthne ionkwaió'te tho enhonnè:sheke Everyone from my office will be there

19. Tsi teiontska'nhónhkhwa enhonten'nikonhró:ri The party will be at a restaurant

20. Enkanonhsahseronníhake ne

Rotón:ni Nikahá:wi It will be decorated for Christmas

21. Ónhka'k Shakohstón:ha enhokia'tahseronníhake Someone will be dressed as Santa

22. Ónhka'k Shakohstón:ha rohshnié:nons enhokia'tahseronníhake Someone will be dressed as an elf

23. Ónhka'k ohskenón:ton enhokia'tahseronníhake Someone will be dressed as a reindeer

24. Tsi thonaten'nikonhró:ri enhotirennaién:ke, enthotikhwaién:take tánon enhotihnekaién:take The party is going to have music, food, and drinks

25. Enion'wesénhake It is going to be fun


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