Akwesasne Housing Authority - Kahwa:tsire Housing Community Site Development
The Project consists of the construction of site improvements and infrastructure for a residential subdivision on an unimproved site off Helena Road, Hogansburg, NY. Improvements include but are not limited to clearing and grubbing, earth moving, land grading, storm water management systems, pavements, water and electric utilities, landscaping, and other features. Bids signed and under seal, executed, and dated will be received at the office of the Akwesasne Housing Authority training facility at 378 State Route 37, Hogansburg, NY 13655 before 2:00 p.m. local standard time on the 16 day of December 2022, at which time and place all Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
Sealed Bids will be received for the following Contract:
1. Bidding documents
Bid documents may be obtained upon email request to the Beardsley Architects + Engineers. A link to downloadable PDF files will be provided upon confirmation of bidder contact information including company name, contact person, phone and email address. Contact Jared Heinl,PE/RLA,Project Manager by email at – jheinl@beardsley.com
Bid documents are also available to review at Northern New York Builders Exchange and Mohawk Valley Builders Exchange. Bid Documents are made available only for the purpose of obtaining offers for this project. Their use does not grant a license for other purposes. No pre-conference is scheduled for this project.
Required Bid Security may consist of a Bid Bond from a recognized Surety licensed to do business in the State of New York for 5% of the Bid or a Certified Check in the amount of 5% of the Bid, made payable to Akwesasne Housing Authority.
The successful Bidder will be required to furnish and pay for a satisfactory Performance and Payment Bond.
Attention is called to Provisions for Indian Preference, and to the Schedule of Minimum Hourly Wages established for the Project by the St Regis Mohawk Tribe.
To demonstrate qualification for performing the work of this contract, Bidders are required to submit written evidence of financial position, previous experience, and current commitments including AIA A305 and additional documents confirming the following:
1. Provide the following signed certifications for
a. Certification regarding Drug-Free Workplace
b. Certification Regarding Debarment
c. Certificate of Independent Price Determination
d. Lobbying Certification
2. Must agree to comply with the requirements of, the regulations in 24 C.F.R. Part 135 and Indian Preference laws in accordance with Section 101(k) of the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act, and Section 7(b) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 USC 450e(b).
a. If Indian Preference for Bid submitted is anticipated, the contractor must be certified by the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Compliance Division prior to bid.
b. All respondents will be subject to the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Native American Preference Policy as executed by Tribal Council Resolution #2016-82.
Akwesasne Housing Authority reserves the right to reject all bids for reasonable cause.
Bidders shall be solely responsible for the delivery of their bids in the manner and time prescribed.
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