A Voice from the Eastern Door

How to Protect Your Mental Health This Holiday

Holiday magic. Although it's real for some, the magic can also be a thin veneer, hiding challenging emotions that can come along with the celebrations – in fact, 52% of Canadians report feelings of anxiety, depression and isolation during the holiday season. And, if you're already depressed or experiencing anxiety, the holidays can make things even worse.

Here are five ways that the holidays can be just too much, adding stress and putting strain on our mental health. Do you see yourself in these? If so, here are some tips to help preserve your peace of mind.

1. (Too) great expectations

The image of the "perfect holiday" permeates the mainstream culture. We know exactly how it's supposed to go. We feel obligations. We compare ourselves to it. Are we happy enough? Are we doing it right? Maybe the holidays aren't part of your cultural tradition, but you feel pressure to celebrate them. Or you feel excluded if you don't. Or maybe they're part of a tradition you reject. If so,

• Ignore judgments of "bah humbug" – you are not obliged to celebrate the holidays.

• Recognize if you feel oppressed by your own traditions. If you do, it's time to take the space and time to reinvent. Maybe that means saying no ("I can't come this year") or setting other boundaries ("I'm coming for dinner but I can't stay the night").

• Don't be ruled by what's gone on in the past. They're your holidays and you can take them back.

• Ask yourself what you love about the holidays. What do you dislike, or even hate? Now choose to do what you love! Don't let your – or anybody else's – traditions dictate how and if you celebrate.

2. Merriment to the max

Over-eating. Over-drinking. Over-spending. General over-indulgence. It seems the holidays go hand and hand with them. This compulsory consumerism and mandatory merriment can have a damaging effect on your mental health, especially if you struggle with your finances. Consumption comes at a price that not everyone can afford. If so,

• Know that you don't have to buy things to show others that you care.

• There are gift exchange ideas that cut down on consumerism, without skimping on generosity or giving. Here are a few, or 44: https://allgiftsconsidered.com/family-gift-exchange-ideas/

• Stay on top of what you're spending by budgeting. A budget template can help you do that. Here is one, but there are many on the Internet. https://templates.office.com/en-ca/holiday-budget-planner-tm16410204

• Don't lose sight of your needs for exercise and sleep.

3. Your plate overfloweth

You may be hosting a gathering this year for the first (or fiftieth) time. Maybe you feel responsible for other people's entertainment and enjoyment. And maybe, you feel like it's your job to please everyone and make sure others are having enough fun and enjoying their holidays, too. That's a lot of pressure. If so,

• Delegate: if you feel it's your job alone to make things perfect, you can ask others to help out. It's their holiday too!

• Take a break from hosting or retire altogether. Ask someone else to host this year.

• Head conflict off at the pass. If you know there are certain topics that will set people off, be kind and clear about boundaries and expectations.

4. Too much togetherness

Sometimes our holiday traditions are intensely social. Parties, get-togethers, and family dinners can create relationship dynamics that are rife with discomfort, and even conflict. Tensions can run high. Because our holiday traditions can date back to childhood, we may be called on to play roles we aren't comfortable playing any longer. If so,

• Remember that only you can choose what makes you happy.

• If you accept the invitation but find that you're feeling overwhelmed while you're there, plan to take time out by finding a quiet place to take a break, calling a friend, or taking a walk.

• If you don't want to stay, you're allowed to leave. Hint: arrange your own transportation so you can come and go at will.

• If you don't want to go, you don't have to. Give yourself permission to do what's best for you.

5. Feeling left out in the cold

More than one in 10 Canadians often or always feel lonely. And, in those who experience loneliness, half have poorer mental health overall. Your connection to others and your community are key protective factors for everyone's mental health, so loneliness is something to pay attention to. The holidays can be especially hard if you feel lonely.

If so,

• Do something special for yourself: cook yourself your favorite foods, go to a movie, do a holiday project.

• Volunteer. By helping others, you also boost your own mental health and have a chance to connect with other people.

• Reach out to others who are also looking for connection: there are whole groups of people-in person and online – who are also looking for community.

• Go "old school" and write letters and holiday cards with invitations to connect by phone.

Holidays aren't magical for everyone. That's because the "most wonderful time of the year" can be fraught with challenges and situations that affect our mental health. Be prepared. If you're dreading the holidays, don't let them just happen to you. Get out in front of them. And take good care.


Contact a community organization like the Canadian Mental Health Association to learn more about support and resources in your area.

The information provided is not a substitute for professional advice. If you need advice, please consult a qualified health care professional. For further information or if you want to access our services at CMHA, please call 1-800-493-8271 or visit our web site at http://www.cmha-east.on.ca

If you are thinking of suicide, please call 1-833-456-4566 toll free in Canada or dial 911.

SRMT Mental Health Services 518-358-3145

Mental Health Services After Hours Crisis Center 518-651-4475

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


Crisis Text Line – 24 Hours Hotline

TEXT "GOT5" to 741741

St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Police 518-358-9200

MCA Wholistic Health and Wellness 613-575-2341 Ext 3109

Mental Health Services 613-575-2341 Ext 3100

Akwesasne Mohawk Police Services 613-575-2000


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