A Voice from the Eastern Door
She will take pictures of your pets
1. Ne Ahkwesáhshne Katshé:nen Aotikióhkwa The Akwesasne Animal Society
2. Nè:'e ne ó:ia enhshonterihwahténkia'te enhonwatiia'tarónnion ne satshé:nen Their next event will be a photo with your pet
3. Ne Rotón:ni nikahá:wi At Christmas time
4. Awentatokenhtì:ke, Tsiothóhrha énska iawén:re enhská:ra'ne enioterihwahtenkia'ténhake It will be held Sunday, December 11th
5. 11 niiohwistá:'e óhrhon'ke entewatáhsawen It will start at 11 am
6. Tsi niió:re ne tékeni nitsiohwistà:'e iotohétston nénkie Until 2 pm
7. Ne Ahkwesáhshne Rotisken'rakéhte tánon Tsionathonwí:sen Raotikióhkwa At the Akwesasne Boys and Girls Club
8. Naién:ton In Rooseveltown
9. Enhontenonhsahserón:ni tsi ionónhsonte They will decorate the room
10. Wateweráta'as entkahnió:take kioten'enhrakà:ronte There will be a balloon arch
11. Ronwatiia'taráhstha oh nà:kon entkahnió:take ne kahwá:tsire tánon katshenen'okòn:'a There will be a photo background for families and pets
12. Thiká:te oh nà:ken entkahnió:take nè:'ek ne katshenen'okòn:'a raoná:wen There will be another photo background for just the pets
13. Enhonwaià:taren ne satshén:nen She will take pictures of him, your pet
14. Enkonwaià:taren ne satshén:nen She will take pictures of her, your pet
15. Enhonwatiià:taren ne akwé:kon ne satshenen'okòn:'a She will take pictures of all of your pets
16. Ietshihonkará:wis ne aontésewe They invite you all to come
17. Entehtshia'ténhawe ne satshé:nen è:rhar You will bring him, your pet dog
18. Entehtshia'ténhawe ne satshé:nen takò:s You will bring your pet cat
19. Entehtshia'ténhawe ne satshé:nen taonhtané:ken You will bring your pet rabbit
20. Entehsheia'ténhawe ne sahwá:tsire You will bring them, your family
21. Í:satst ne kaià:tare ne Rotón:ni nikahá:wi aohiatónhsera! Use the picture for Christmas cards!
22. Wísk nikahwístake nikanó:ron ne énska kaià:tare It costs $5 for one photo
23. Enhatihwistarò:roke They will gather the money
24. Tenhatirihwáhshnie ne katshenen'okòn:'a raotirihwà:ke For the purpose of supporting the pets
25. Shehwíston ahonwatiié:nawa'se ne katshenen'okòn:'a! Donate money to help the animals!
26. Niawenhkó:wa Thank you very much
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