AKWESASNE – The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe is continuing efforts to strengthen Kanien'kehá (Mohawk Language) and provide homes for Mohawk families. The Tribal Council signed Tribal Council Resolution #2022-44 during their bi-weekly work session held on Monday, Kenténha/October 17th that formally designated Kahrhaká:ion Road and Wáhta Street as the first two names for roadways located at the Tribal Housing Development Project.
The Tribal Housing Development is being constructed on lands reacquired in Seskehkó:wa/September 2018 and located within the boundaries of the 1796 Treaty, commonly known as the "Hogansburg Triangle." The reacquisition was consistent with community member's desire, as indicated in a 2009 Comprehensive Community Development Plan, to reacquire lands for family housing.
Kahrhaká:ion, which means "Old Forest", is the housing project's main entryway located at the intersection of State Route 37 and Cook Road (across from #9 Truck Stop). Currently a gravel road, Kahrhaká:ion extends to the location of the first street that will include a cul-de-sac, which has been named Wáhta (meaning "Maple").
The proposed road names and an update on the Tribal Housing Development Project were shared at the Monthly Tribal Meeting held on Saturday, Kenténha/October 1st. A video recording of the tribal meeting and the presentation provided by SRMT Home Improvement Division Director Jamie Bay and Assistant Executive Director Starr Thomas is available for membership to view on the Tribal Members Portal.
Work on the two roads began in the Fall of 2021 and included clearing and grading of the two roadways. In the process, community members were able to access stockpiles of materials at no cost, such as trees, wood chips, fill, and rocks. As work continues on constructing family homes and other development project, more roadways will be added, and additional opportunities will be provided for community members to access more bulk materials.
The cul-de-sac road, named Wáhta Street, will see six (6) homes constructed, with two (2) home shells completed by Fall 2023 as part of the Tribal Housing Development. Information on the housing initiative was shared at the Ohiarihkó:wa/July 2021 Monthly Tribal Meeting. A video recording of the meeting and presentation are available to view on the Tribal Members Portal.
In the coming months, bids will be received to extend the Tribe's water line and sewer line alongside the new roadways. The anticipated completion date for these infrastructure projects, including road paving, is during the Summer of 2023. Extending electrical lines will follow.
The Tribal Members Portal can be accessed from the Tribe's website at http://www.srmt-nsn.gov. For assistance, please contact the Tribe's Communications Department at (518) 358-2272.
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