I got ready for Halloween time
1. Wa'katenonhsahserón:ni I decorated my house
2. Tsi niiontkonwarò:roks nikahá:wi At Halloween time (when she covers her face)
3. Kanenna'kè:ne nikahá:wi wa'katenonhsahserón:ni I put fall decorations up
4. Teiotenen'takwe'nón:ni ónerahte ionnià:ton iohrèn:ton akenhnhohà:ke A wreath made of leaves is hanging on my door
5. Skenthóhkwa ne onékeri akehnhohákta ká:ien A bale of hay is by my door
6. Óhere kenthokonnià:ton akehnhohákta kahnió:ton Bundles of corn stalks are near my door
7. Onon'onsera'kó:wa akwaten'èn:rakon kakè:ron Pumpkins are scattered about in my yard
8. Otsitsia'shòn:'a kanà:tsiakon í:wa ohén:ton ne tsi tewakenónhsote ká:ien Flowers are in pots in front of my house
9. Athehtó:ri akwahskwen'nà:ke í:kate A scarecrow is on my porch
10. Átste kanonhsaktónkie wa'khahseraniiontónnion I did hang lights outside, along the house
11. Otsì:nekwar niwahsohkò:ten nikahahserò:ten The lights are orange
12. Ohskien'tóhskon (Ráhskenhn) í:kate akwaten'èn:rakon There is a skeleton in my yard
13. Wata'én:naras kahnhohákta tsi ionte'serehtaientáhkhwa í:kate There is a witch near the garage door
14. Akonhonwáhtha kà:nhien kentskotákie kákie She is riding on her broom stick
15. Iehahserénhas iéhawe She is holding a lantern
16. Tsi thatiia'tatárion kentstèn:rote akwaten'èn:rakon kakè:ron There are headstones scattered about in my yard
17. Nahè:'a raonhé:ion rón:kwe í:re onhwéntsiakon tahokè:tohte A zombie is coming out of the ground
18. Okwáho tewatenhnhaténies okwirà:ke karonkwahsáneren A werewolf is chained to the tree
19. Shakonekwenhso'tsí:reks ohahákta í:rate There is a vampire by the road
20. Takwa'áhson teiota'á:raton í:we's A spider is in its cobweb
21. Otsí kahnén:ies wateweráta'as ionnià:ton kákies There is a tall balloon ghost flying
22. Iottéron aié:ron ítewe's ákta tsi iothaharakwáhtha A scary clown is near the driveway
23. Teionkwe'tanón:iani o'rhenióhkwakon iotahséhton A monster is hiding in the bushes
24. Ioterennátteron rona'tshwà:ton Scary music is playing
25. Iotenonhsátteron thí:ken tkanónhsote It is a scary house
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