A Voice from the Eastern Door

Wa'akwahianiiontá:ko Ne Sewahió:wane

We picked apples

1. Kí:ken onkiahia'kserò:kten This past weekend

2. Wa'akwahianiiontá:ko ne sewahió:wane We picked apples

3. Wakahiakhónhne I picked fruit and came back

4. Tsi wahiahiéntho iewakenónhne I went to the orchard

5. Solomon Cookénha oh nà:ken tsi thonónhsote Behind Solomon Cook's house

6. Oh nà:ken tsi iewennahnotáhkhwa Behind the library

7. Wa'kahíhsakha ne wahí:io I did look for nice fruit

8. Kanekotà:ke wa'keráthen I climbed on the ladder

9. Wa'kà:iako I did pick fruit

10. Wa'kahianiiontá:ko I did pick hanging fruit

11. Wahianiiontáhkhwa wà:katste I used a fruit picker

12. Kiarenhá:wi tho wa'kahiáta I carried a bag to put the fruit in

13. É:so iokwiró:ton ne sewahió:wane There are a lot of apple trees

14. Í:iah teiotahión:ni ón:wa iohseratákie The fruit is not plentiful this year

15. Wa'kahiáta' ne kaià:rakon I put the fruit in the bag

16. Wa'kahiarò:roke tsi wahiahiénthon I gathered up the fruit at the orchard

17. Wa'kahioharénion ne sewahió:wane I washed a lot of apples

18. Wà:katste ne sewahió:wane tekahtò:raraks I used a cider press

19. O'neróhkwakon wa'kahiáta' I put the apples in the hopper box

20. Wa'tekkahrhaté:ni ne okahkwén:ta I turned the wheel

21. Wa'tkahiahtó:rarake ne sewahió:wane I pressed the apple fruit

22. Wa'kenón:wakentste ne sewahió:wane kanekinekénhton I strained the cider

23. Wà:katste ne onia'tará:'a I used a cloth

24. Kawistohtha'tsherá:kon iekéta'as ne sewahió:wane kanekinekénhton I put the cider in the refrigerator

25. Akwé:kon wa'kahióhare ne tewahiohrará:kon I washed all the fruit press

26. Tsi nahò:ten iotatén:ron (ohá:ta tánon orawísta), kahehtiiohstáhkhwa ia'kéta I put what was leftover (apple peel and core) in the compost

27. Wa'khnekì:ra ne sewahió:wane kahnekinekénhton I did drink the cider

28. Wakhneká:ka'as ne sewahió:wane kahnekinekénhton I like the taste of cider

29. Kí:ken wahia'kseratákie, wa'khehnekáhrhahse ne sewahió:wane kahnekinekénhton ne ionkhinatahrenná:wi This week, I served the cider to our visitors

30. Ronatshennón:ni tsi wahatihnekì:ra ne sewhió:wane kahnekinekénhton They were happy to drink the cider


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Rendered 12/03/2024 18:57