A Voice from the Eastern Door
We picked corn
1. Wísk niwáhsen niháti ronteweiénstha ne Ahkwesáhshne Rontatewenní:io Tsi Ionteweienstáhkhwa 50 Akwesasne Freedom school students
2. Oié:ri nihá:ti iakotirihonnién:ni tánon ka'nisténhsera 10 teachers and several parents
3. Wa'akwanénhstako We picked corn
4. Wa'onkhihón:karon ne onkwanèn:ra They invited our group
5. Ne Roia'tatokénhti Kanien'kehá:ka Onkwehón:we raoná:wen tsi Kaienthóhseron Ratíhsere The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe's Agriculture Program
6. Wahatinenhstaiéntho ne ià:ia'k tánon ahsén:nen tehstehontsiakerón:tat ne onenhakèn:ra They planted 6 ½ acres of white corn
7. Tsi thotithéhtaien At their garden
8. Rohatákie ne Blair On Blair Road
9. Ontenenhstísa'a The corn was ready
10. Ó:nen ieióhe akenénhstako It is time to pick the corn
11. Tsi kanenhstaiénthon iewakenónhnhe tanon tontá:ke I went to the cornfield and came back
12. Wa'katkéhtate ne iontkéhtats niwa'therò:ten I did carry my pack basket
13. Thihatiià:tate ronteweiénstha tohkára nikaiá:rake iahatiiarénhawe Other students carried several bags
14. Wa'kenenhstí:sake I looked for the corn
15. Wa'kenenhstatshén:ri I found corn
16. Wa'khrátenhte I did pluck the corn from the stalk
17. A'thé:rakon wa'kenenhstíta I put the corn in my basket
18. É:so wa'kenénhstako I picked a lot of corn
19. Wakenenhstaká:te I have a lot of corn
20. Akwá:there onkékste'se My pack basket became so heavy
21. Ohná:ken ó:nen wa'kenorótshi Later, I husked the corn
22. Wa'katenorahtsherateweién:ton, onó:ra kaia'tón:ni enkakia'tonnihserón:nia'te I saved the husk to make corn husk dolls
23. Wa'kenonhkwisériake ne ao'nón:kwis I removed the corn silk
24. Wa'kateweién:ton ne ó:nenhste aonónhkwis, enkatenonhkwa'tsherónnia'te I saved the corn silk, I will make medicine out of it
25. Wa'tkenenstaiestáhsi I sorted the corn
26. Kanenhstí:io wa'katenenhará:ko I saved the nice corn for seed
27. Wa'keratsken'tónnia'te I braided it
28. Wa'kenenhstaniión:ten I hung the corn up
29. Enkenenhstátha'te tánon enkenenhstaiéntho ne tsióhsera niió:re I will dry the corn and plant it next year
30. Wa'akwatenenhstateweien'tónnion We put away a lot of corn
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