A Voice from the Eastern Door
The Akwesasronon Shonataten:ron (Residential School Survivors) have been informed that 43 unnamed Native children died at the Mohawk Institute-their names and the causes of their deaths have yet to be determined. The discovery was made after examining the records of those who were interred at the Institute.
More victims will certainly be found once the researchers dig deeper into the National Truth and Reconciliation archives in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Other repositories, such as those under the control of the Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches, have to date denied access to the survivors. No complete list of the Native children taken from their homes is possible without those records. The Shonataten:ron believe this is meant to avoid liability for the deaths of the victims.
The Ohsweken Survivors Secretariat is overseeing the investigation of the Mohawk Institute grounds using contemporary technologies to find the graves of children buried at that site. Only 2% of the 600 acres composing the Institute boundaries have been searched using ground radar. The Institute has been declared a crime scene given the widespread abuses which took place at the school and the necessity of protecting the area from trespass.
On September 24 the Shonatatenron will hold a march on behalf of the 43 children and the others who will also be found. The march will begin at 11 AM at the crossroads on Kawehno:ke and proceed across the northern bridge, go to Second Street West and then to the Anglican Church on Augustus Street where the shoes once placed at the church in Kana:takon will be brought forward.
A proclamation will be read insisting the Anglican Church provide a complete report as to its failure to protect the children under its custody along with a demand for unrestricted access to its archives. The Church will be asked to meet with the Survivors to discuss how justice may finally be realized.
Speakers from the three councils at Akwesasne will be asked to address the marchers. The Survivors will also speak. Food will be provided for the marchers upon their return to Kawehno:ke. Drummers and singers will lead the procession. The march is meant for all families and relatives of Akwesasne as we have all been affected by the theft of our kin.
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