A Voice from the Eastern Door

Wa'thonré:ron Karihwanóntha tánon Tekarihwa'serákwen

They did race - Questions and Answers

1. Iesenónhne kénh ne AFS wahonterihwahténkia'te kí:ken onkiahia'kserò:kten? Did you go to the AFS event last past weekend?

2. Hén, iewakenónhne tsi thonaterihwahtenkia'tón:ne. Tewenhniserá:ke tho ié:keskwe. Yes, I went to the event. I attended both days.

3. Í:iah, khewaké:non ne AFS thonaterihwahtenkia'tón:ne. Ohiakháhon wa'kateweien'tónnion. No, I did not go to the AFS event. I was canning tomatoes.

4. Wahshakià:taren kénh ne tehonré:rons? Did you participate in the race?

5. Hen, wa'kakià:taren ne tehonré:rons. Ià:ia'k mile niió:re wa'tkaráhtate. Yes, I participated in the race. I ran 6 miles.

6. Í:iah, tewakakià:tare ne tehonré:rons. Teiohserá:ke tsi náhe, wa'katá:wen tsi kaniataratákie. No, I did not participate in the race. Two years ago, I swam in the river.

7. To:nikanèn:rake wahonkià:taren ón:wa iohseratákie? How many teams participated in the race this year?

8. Ia:ia'k nikanèn:rake wahonkià:tare nón:wa iohserá:te 6 teams participated in the race this year.

9. Wahshé:ken kénh ónhka wa'ontkwé:ni? Did you see who won?

10. H én, wa'khé:ken ónhka wa'ontkwé:ni. Kanèn:ra Io'nowakwà:ronte kiokierénhton wahonttkwé:ni. Yes, I did see who won. Team Lady Bugs won first place.

11. Í:iah, tekhé:ken ónhka wa'onttkwé:ni. No, I did not see who won.

12. Tó: nikahwístake wahatihwistohará:ko? How much money did they win?

13. Énska tewen'niawe'ékhon nè:'e tsi ne kanèn:ra tsi ionteweienstáhkhwa sahshakotihwíston. First place was $1000 but the team donated the money back to the school.

14. Wahshní:non kénh ne kít kit atennà:tshera? Did you get the chicken dinner?

15. Hén, wa'khní:non ne kít kit kákhwa. Iawekonón:ne. Yes, I got the chicken dinner. It was delicious.

16. I:iah tewakhní:non ne kít kit kákhwa. Kana'tarokhón:we wa'khní:non. No, I did not get the chicken dinner. I ate cornbread.

17. Á hsire tsi tethotihenréhtha iahskwátho kénh? Did you go to the quilt auction?

18. Hén, ia'kkwátho tsi tethotihenréhtha ne áhsire. Yes, I went to the quilt auction

19. I: iah khewakkwáthon tsi tethotihenréhtha ne áhsire. No, I did not go to the quilt auction.

20. Tó: niwahsì:rake wahontenhní:non? How many quilts did they auction?

21. Áhsen niwáhsen kióhton niwahsì:rake. They auctioned off 39 quilts.

22. Onhka wa'thohén:rehte? Who was the auctioneer?

23. Steve Mccomber wa'thohén:rehte. Steve McComber was the auctioneer.

24. Ia ko'nikonhriióhstha tanon Anenhaiénton wahonwaiénawa'se ne Steve. Iakonikonhriió:stha and Anenhaiénton helped Steve.

25. Tó: nikahwístake wahatihwistohará:ko? How much money did the auction make?

26. Wísk niwáhse ià:ia'k tewen'niawe'ékhon, énska tenwen'niáwe tsiá:ta niwáhsen nikahwístake wahatihwistáko ne tsi iontaweienstáhkhwa aó:wen. The school raised $56,170 from the quilt auction.

27. Wahsaten'nikonhró:ri kenh? Did you have a good time at the event?

28. Hen, wa'katen'nikonhró:ri. Ion'wesénhne Yes, I had a good time. It was wa'akwanatahréhseron. nice to visit with everyone.

29. Tensehsaráhtate kenh ne tsióhsera niio:re? Will you race next year?

30. Hen, kwáh í:kehre ónhte tenhskaré:ron ne tsióhsera niió:re. Óksa'k entkatáhsawen enkatéweienste. Yes, I think I will race next year. I had better start training now.


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