They will race
1. Enwahia'kserò:kten This weekend coming up
2. Ahkwesáhshne Rontatewennió:ke tsi Ionteweienstáhkhwa The Akwesasne Freedom School
3. Enhonterihwahténkia'te They shall have an event
4. Khia'teiohserá:ke ronterihwahtenkià :tha tenhontonhnhehtsheróhetste tehonré:rons They will host their annual survival race
5. Entákta kÃt kit enhontekhwahnÃ:non They will have a chicken dinner on Saturday
6. Awentatokenhtì:ke Onkwehonwehnéha tekanerahtaiéhston enhontkè:ron They will have Indian tacos for sale on Sunday
7. Awentatokenhtì:ke enhontenhnì:non ne tekenhnakhánion They will auction quilts on Sunday
8. Entákta tenhonré:ron Saturday will be the race
9. Wakenèn:raien I have a team
10. Tentewaré:ron We will race
11. Tenkaráhtate ià :ia'k miles I will run 6 miles
12. Tenkaráhtate enkhá:wi io'therákste I will run with a heavy basket
13. Tsi kaniataratákie enkatá:wen I will swim in the river
14. Ohahà :ke enkhá:wi ne oná:ke I will portage the canoe (carry the canoe on the road)
15. Teiakeniiáhsen ieniakenÃhawe ne oná:ke ohahà :ke The 2 of us will carry the canoe on the road
16. Enkká:we ne oná:ke I will paddle the canoe
17. Eniakeniká:we ne oná:ke The 2 of us will paddle the canoe
18. Tékeni teiokahkwèn:tonte enkhonwì:sere I will bicycle
19. Tentewaié:nen entewatsienhón:ni We will work together to start a fire
20. E nteweiennén:ta'ne ne ionteka'táhkhwa I will get the tinder ready
21. Anihsonwatà :se én:katste enkkahrón:ten ne ó:iente I will use the bow drill to burn the hole in the wood
22. Én:katste ne anihshonwatà :se tsi niió:re io'tarihén:ta I will use the bow drill to make a hot coal
23. Io'tarihén:ta enkéta skenthóhkwa wakié:sen aió:teke ne ona'watsÃsta I will put the hot coal in the bundle of flammable bark
24. Ienkewerà :reke kenthohkwà :ke tsi niió:re kió:tekha I will blow on the bundle until a flame starts
25. Enkatsienhón:ni I will make a fire
26. Tenkóhkwe ne aén:na tánon kaién:kwire I will pick up the bow and arrow
27. Enkate'shennón:ni ne kaién:kwire I will aim the arrow
28. Tenkóia'ke ne kaién:kwire I will shoot the arrow
29. Ahsén:na nón:we na'tenkóia'ke kaién:kwire The arrow will hit the target in the middle
30. Sakátewahte I missed the target
31. Onkwanèn:ra entewatkwé:ni Our team will win
32. Onkwanèn:ra Ã:iah teionkwatkwénion nè:'ek tsi wa'akwaten'nikonhró:ri Our team did not win but we had fun
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