A Voice from the Eastern Door
1. Ionkwahsenní:ios We have nice names
2. Ionkwahsennaién:ton ne Onkwehonwehnéha We have names in our Native language
3. Tetitewá:kerahkh ne onkwahsenna'ón:we! Let us revive our genuine names!
4. Tsitewátst ne onkwahsenna'ón:we! Let us use our genuine names!
5. É:so ò:ni thona'téntewe entsiokwathón:te'ne ne onkwawén:na We can hear part of our language come back
6. Kwáh ken'nikahsén:na onkwahwatsirakónhshon nikiawé:non Quite a few names can be found within our family
7. Enwá:ton ò:ni tsiá:ta nikanakerahtsherá:ke ensehsáhkete You can go back 7 generations
8. Entshenníhsake ne owí:ra enhshehshén:non You will look for a baby's name to give her
9. Entshenníhsake ne owí:ra enhtshén:non You will look for a baby's name to give him
10. Tó ka í:iah thahtshennatshén:ri ne sahwatsirà:ke If you cannot find a name within your family
11. Ka hsenna'ón:we sa'oié:ra nitewéhtha tsi nikahá:wi enhonnákerate ne owirà:'a Names are based on what is happening in the natural world at the time the child is born
12. Tó ka shí:ken kwáh ísi nón:we niiothó:re ne átste If it is really cold outside
13. Tó ka shí:ken ónkeren'ne sha'akennákerate ne eksà:'a Or if it is snowing when the baby is born
14. Tó ka í:iah tesahsén:naien ne Onkwehonwehnéha If you do not have a Native name
15. En wá:ton kanónhses nonkwá:ti ienhsherihwíhsake You can ask at the longhouse
16. En sathró:ri tsi nisen'taró:ten You will tell them your clan
17. En iesahró:ri sheia'tken'sé:ra ne iakoià:nehr (o'tá:ra ka'nistenhsera) enhsherihwatshén:ri oh ní:ioht ne aesahsennaién:ta'ne They will tell you to see your clanmother to find out how to get a name
18. En iakéhsake oh ní:ioht aesahsennaién:take She will look for the type of name you ought to have
19. Ak wé:kon ne iakoià:nehr (o'tá:ra ka'nisténhsera) kontíhawe ne kahshenna'shòn:'a Each clanmother holds a set of names
20. Ro tihsennarákwen ne kahwá:tsire entá:on'k ne iakoià:nehr (o'tá:ra ka'nisténhsera) enkontirihwanón:we'ne The name that is chosen by the family must be cleared by the woman's clan mother
21. Ior ihowá:nen ne í:iah ne akó:ren ne teiontákia'ts It is very important that no other individual has the same name
22. Tó ka ne eksà:'a teiotonhontsióhon tahontenonhwará:ton ne onónhkwa If the child would need a medicine or ceremony done
23. Oh stón:ha tenhontate'nikonhrhá:ren tóka ónhkak sha'teiotihsennó:ten There could be confusion if 2 people had the same name
24. Ká :nik ne kahsén:na iorihwí:io ne:'e ne ó:ia tenhshontenonhwará:ton enhonwahsennakará:tate (Kakhowá:nen tóka ó:ni Sha'tekohséhne) Once the name is cleared, it will be confirmed (raised up) at the next ceremony (Harvest or Midwinter)
25. Ek sà:'a Ken'niiohontésha Tenhontenonhwará:ton nikahá:wi enkonwatihsén:non Female babies are also named at Strawberry Ceremony
26. Ion khihsothokon'kénha kwáh í:ken tsi iohsennakaiòn:'on Our grandparents had beautiful names
27. To hsa enhsewennókerike enió:ti tsi nahò:ten kén:ton Do not shorten your name or it will lose its meaning
28. Sh eri'wanón:tons ne onkwehshòn:'a Ask people
29. "O h nahò:ten iesá:ia'ts ne onkwehonwehnéha?" "What is your Mohawk name?"
30. Te wanó:ronhk ne onkwahsenna'ón:we! Let us love our real names!
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