A Voice from the Eastern Door
National Indigenous Peoples Day
1. Ohiarí:ha 21, 2022 shiiohseratákie June 21, 2022 was the date
2. St. Francis konwá:ia'ts tsi ononhsatokenhtì:ke St. Francis Church
3. Father Kevin Maloney ronwá:ia'ts Father Kevin is his name
4. Tho nón:we thatsihénhstatsi He is the priest there
5. Wahshakori'wanón:tonhse ne Lana King iontákia'ts tóka kénh ónhkak taierì:wahkwe ne takwaièn:'a onkwehonwehnéha He asked Lana King if someone could sing the Our Father in the Native language
6. Nó:nen enhaháhsen When he will say mass
7. Sha'té:kon niiohwistà:'e ohrhon'kè:ne nikahá:wi 8 o'clock in the morning
8. Tsi Kaná:taien nón:we Cornwall
9. Wa'onkhihón:karon ne teiakwarihwáhkhwa They did invite us to sing hymns
10. Taiakwarihwahkwà:na We ought to go sing hymns
11. Wa'akwathón:tate We agreed
12. Ià:ia'k niiákion tho ieionkwenónhne Six of us went there
13. Tsi ia'ákwawe As we arrived
14. Father Kevin wahèn:ron Father Kevin said
15. Ratiri'wanóntha They asked
16. Enwá:ton kenh akwé:kon tsi nikaháhseres teniakwarì:wahkwe onkwehonwehnéha? Can we sing the entire mass in the Native language?
17. Wa'akwèn:ron ki' hen We said yes
18. Nè:'k tsi tékeni khók teiakwahiatonhserenhá:wi But we only had 2 books
19. Nè:'k kionkwaterièn:tare takwaièn:'a teniakwarì:wawahkwe All we knew was to sing The Our Father
20. Í:iah ónhka kheiakohiatonhserénha Nobody brought a book
21. Ón:ton ki wa'kiakwatóhetste We got through it
22. Terè:s Adams konwarihwaién:ni iontshwà:tha ne karonwaráriaks Terè:s Adams plays the organ
23. Wa'erennakohá:ton She selected songs
24. Tsi niká:ien kwáh iakwarennaienté:ris The ones we knew very well
25. Shonteweiennén:ta'ne When it was over
26. Wa'thatíta'ne They stood up
27. Wa'kionkhihsárokse They clapped for us
28. Ohontsió:kon ne ononhsatokenhtì:ke The church cellar
29. Ió:ien ne tsi ronkia'tarohrókstha It has is a gathering room
30. Ia'onkhiia'ténhawe They took us
31. Taionkhí:nonte They fed us
32. Akwé:kon wa'konkhinonhwará:ton All of them greeted us
33. Wa'onkhihró:ri tsi nahonon'wéskwen They told us how much they enjoyed it
34. Iontaionkhihón:karon ne shé:kon tho naonsaiákwe They invited us back
35. Kwáh ken'nihá:ti ne Onkwehón:we Ahkwesahshró:non tho ronterennaiénhnes Quite a few Native people from Akwesasne go to mass there
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