A Voice from the Eastern Door

Otsi'nonwa'shòn:'a Karihwanóntha tánon Tekarihwa'serákwen

Insects - Questions and Answers

1. Íhsehre kénh sénha é:so katsi'nonwanákeren ón:wa iohserá:te tsi ní:ioht ne tóhkara niiohserá:ke tsi náhe? Do you think there are more insects this year than in previous years?

2. Hén, sénha é:so katsi'nonwanákere ón:wa iohserá:te, okariahtá:ne aonhà:'a Yes, there are more insects this year, especially mosquitos

3. Í:iah, í:iah té:kehre sénha kenh é:so katsi'nonwanákere ón:wa iohserá:te. Kiótkon teiotenonhianíhton ne okariahtá:ne kón:ne's á'tste. No, I do not think there are more insects this year. The mosquitos are always bad outside.

4. Shé:ken kénh ó:nen ne tewatsirókwas? Have you seen any lightening bugs?

5. Hén, é:so khé:ken ne tewatsirókwas. Tekió:karas tsi nón:we nikì:teron. Yes, I saw a lot of lightening bugs. It is very dark where I live.

6. Í:iah, í:iah tekhé:ken é:so ne tewatsirókwas. É:so kanonhsó:ton tánon ronahtenkià:ton tsi nón:we nikì:teron á'tste kahahse'ró:ton. No, I haven't seen a lot of lightening bugs. A lot of houses and businesses have outdoor lights where I live.

7. É:so kénh kontinákere ne o'nó'tsta ne sahéhtakon? Do you have a lot of slugs in your garden?

8. Hén, é:so kontinákere ne o'nó'tsta ne akhéhtakon. Entá:on'k onen'tákeri enkhné:kaien enkaterístaien nenkhehóntera'ne. Yes, I have many slugs in my

garden. I have to put out beer to trap them.

9. Í:iah, í:iah é:so tewakhtsi'nón:waien ne o'nó'tsta akhéhtakon. Iohstáthen ne o'kèn:ra. No, I do not have a lot of slugs in my garden. The soil is very dry.

10. Sh é:ken kénh ne otsi'nahkontahkwá:ne ne saten'èn:rakon? Have you seen the bumblebees in your yard?

11. Hén, wa'khé:ken ne otsi'nahkontahkwá:ne. Akhtsì:tsiakon kontiià:ti kón:neks ne aohnéhta. Yes, I have seen the bumble bees. They are in my flowers eating nectar.

12. Í: iah, í:iah tekhé:ken ne otsi'nahkontahkwá:ne.Kwáh í:ken tsi tewakatate'nikónhrhare tsi ionahton'onhákie ne otsi'nahkontahkwá:ne No, I have not seen any bumble bees. I am very worried about the loss of bees.

13. Sa tsi'nonwaká:te kénh ne tsiki'hnhontstókhi ne sanónhskon? Do you have a lot of ants in your house?

14. Hén, waktsi'nonwaká:te ne tsiki'hnhontstókhi ne akenónhskon. Yes, I have a lot of ants in my house.

15. Í: iah, í:iah tewaktsi'nonwaka:te ne tsiki'hnhontstókhi ne akenonhskon. Ke'nikòn:rare ne akateweièn:ton ne aktsikhè:ta. No, I do not have any ants in my house. I am very careful to put away my sugar.

16. Shewennahrónkha kénh ne taráktarak? Have you heard the crickets?

17. Hén, wakathón:te ne taráktarak. Skaià:ta í:wes ne akenónhskon tánon ahsontakwé:kon wakiè:'on. Yes, I have heard the crickets. I have one in my house and it keeps me awake at night.

18. Í: iah, í:iah tekhewennahrón:ken ne taráktarak kí:ken iohseratákie. No, I haven't heard any crickets this year.

19. Shé:kens kénh akwé:kon ne tsiki'nonwarísta á'tste? Did you see all the dragonflies outside?

20. Hen, ionakiohkowá:nen wa'khé:ken ne tsiki'nonwarísta. Katsi'nonwí:io nó:nen kontikienónkies. Yes, I saw many dragonflies. They are so pretty when they fly.

21. Í: iah, í:iah tekhé:ken ne tsiki'nonwarísta. Í:iah é:so khekiá:kens nè:'e tsi nia'té:kon í:iah teionkiatén:ro. Waka'ó:ras. No, I haven't seen any dragonflies. I do not go outside much because of my allergies.

22. Satsi'nonwaká:te kénh ne iako'nowakéhte ne sanónhskon? Do you have a lot of ladybugs in your house?

23. Hén, waktsi'nonwaká:te ne iako'nowakéhte akenónhskon. Tsík nón:we kheia'tatshénries. Yes, I have a lot of ladybugs in my house. I find them everywhere.

24. Í: iah, í:iah tewaktsi'nón:waien ne iako'nowakéhte akenónhskon. Rón:nehre aontakontíhawe ne aterà:shwa No, I do not have any ladybugs in my house. They are supposed to bring good luck.

25. Iesakárion kénh ne onerón:ta? Have you been bitten by horse and deer flies?

26. Hén, ionkkárion ne onerón:ta. Iononhwákte neniesaká:ri. Yes, I was bitten by both horse and deer flies. Their bites hurt.

27. I:iah, i:iah arok thaionkká:ri. No, I haven't been bitten yet.

28. Sa 'ó:ras kénh ne otsi'nahkontahkwá:ne eniesatenere'hó:ten? Are you allergic to bee stings?

29. Hén, waka'ó:ras ne otsi'nahkontahkwá:ne enwakatenere'hó:ten. Khá:wis ne epi ohiatónhkwa tóka shí:ken othé:nen naiá:wen'ne. Yes, I am allergic to bee stings. I keep an epi pen on me just in case.

30. I:iah, i:iah tewaka'ó:ras ne otsi'nahkontahkwá:ne aonkwatenere'hó:ten. Kate'niéntha tóhsa takhe'nikonhrhá:ren ne otsi'nahkontahkwá:ne nè:'e tsi shé:kon iononhwákte neniesatenere'hó:ten. No, I am not allergic to bee stings. I try not to bother the bees because their sting still hurts.


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