A Voice from the Eastern Door

Tsi Teiontska'hónhkhwa Karihwanóntha tánon Tekarihwa'serákwen

At the Restaurant - Questions and Answers

1. Ka'k kénh nón:we iesenónhne kí:ken onkiahia'kserò:kten? Did you go anywhere this weekend?

2. Hen, wakiaken'én:ne, tewaka'tska'hon'nónhne. Yes, I went out to eat.

3. I:iah tha'tewaka'tska'hon'nónhne. Sótsi kanó:ron. I did not go out to eat. It is too expensive.

4. Ka'nón:we tesa'tska'hon'nónhne? Where did you eat?

5. Otsi'eróhta tsi teion'tska'hónhkhwa tkanónhsote iewakenónhne. I went to the Lobster House.

6. Wakaterihwahserón:ni tho iá:ke nè:'ek tsi í:iah khia'tewakieríhse I planned to go but did not make it.

7. Ónhka senenónhne tsi tetsia'tska'hon'nónhne? Who did you go to eat with?

8. Onkwatsi'okòn:'a ionkwenónhne. I went to eat with friends

9. Rikhstén:ha ionkenenónhne. I went to eat with my husband.

10. Io rihowá:nen kénh ón:wa wenhniserá:te? Was it a special occasion?

11. Hén, tewáhsen wísk niiohserá:ke nikarì:wes ó:nen shiioneniniá:kon. Yes, it was our 25th anniversary.

12. Í: iah teiorihowá:nen, kwáh nè:'ek tsi í:iah té:kehre akekhón:ni. No, it was not a special occasion. I didn't want to cook.

13. Tó: nikarì:wes ó:nen shiseniiá:kon? How many years have you 2 been married?

14. Ó:nen tewáhsen wísk niiohserà:ke nikarì:wes shiionkeniniá:kon We have been married 25 years.

15. Í: iah teionkeniniá:kon We are not married.

16. O h nahò:ten wéseneke? What did you have to eat?

17. O tsi'eróhta wá:keke. I ate lobster.

18. T ewakatonhontsioníhne ken' nikatsi'erohtà:'a á:keke nè:'ek tsi wahontò:kten. I wanted to eat crab but they ran out.

19. W ahsaterihwahserón:ni kenh? Did you make a reservation?

20. H én, wa'katerihwahserón:ni. Yes, I made a reservation.

21. Í: iah tewakaterihwahserón:ni. No, I did not make a reservation.

22. T ethotiwaienhnhara'ón:ne kénh ne tsi teionts'ka'nhónhkhwa? Was it busy at the restaurant?

23. H én, kwáh í:ken tsi tethotiweienhnhara'ón:ne Yes, it was very busy.

24. I: iah tethotiweienhnhara'ón:ne No, it was not busy.

25. W áhseke kénh ne teiona'taratsikhè:tare? Did you eat dessert?

26. H én, tewá:ia wá:keke. Yes, I ate pie.

27. Í: iah, tewaké:kon ne teiona'taratsikhè:tare. Sótsi onkwáhta'ne No, I did not eat dessert. I was too full.

28. Wahsaten'nikonhró:ri kénh? Did you have a nice time?

29. Hén, wa'katen'nikonhró:ri. Yes, I had a nice time.

30. Í: iah, tewakaten'nikonhrorì:'on. Sótsi tetkanenhrá:rahkwe. No, I did not have a nice time. It was too crowded.


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