A Voice from the Eastern Door

Kakwitè:ne Nikahá:wi Karihwanóntha tánon Tekarihwa'serákwen

Springtime Questions and Answers – Part 1

1. Ka'nón:we wa'tehsatháhahkwe? Where did you walk?

2. Kanakerahtsherakè:ron tsi ionten'nikonhroria'táhkhwa ionthahita'áhstha wa'tkatháhahkwe I walked at Generations park

3. Í:iah nón:wa tewakathahíten. Sótsi iokennó:ron. I did not walk today. It was too rainy

4. Wa'tehsaráhtate kénh? Do you run?

5. Hén, khia'tewenhniserá:ke wa'tkaráhtate Yes, I run everyday

6. Í:iah tha'tewakarahtá:ton. Tekkwitsháksens. No I don't run. I have bad knees.

7. Kátke wesahonwi'seréhseron ne sà:sere tékeni teiokahkwèn:tonte? When did you ride your bike?

8. Thetén:re iotohétston nénkie onkhonwi'seréhseron ne akè:sere tékeni teiokahkwèn:tonte I rode my bike yesterday afternoon

9. Ó:nen tóhkara niiohserá:ke tsi náhe tetewakhonwi'seré:non ne akè:sere tékeni teiokahkwèn:tonte. Wakon'wéskwani aonkhonwi'seréhseron ne akè:sere kaié:ri niiokahkwen'tón:ton kanontsistáhere. I haven't ridden my bike in years. I like to ride my 4- wheeler.

10. W a'tehsato'tsinehtsherón:ten kénh ne kaié:ri niiokahkwen'tón:ton teionto'tsinehtsherontáhkhwa? Did you roller skate?

11. H én, otstenhrà:ke wa'tkato'tsinehtsherón:ten Yes, I did skate on the cement

12. Í: iah tha'tewakato'tsinéhtsheronte No, I didn't skate.

13. W a'tehsani'tsionhkwáhkwe kénh ne teionni'tsionhkwáhkhwa ahseriiè:ta thetén:re? Did you jump rope yesterday?

14. Hén, wa'khseriie'tatá:se tánon wa'tkani'tsionhkwahkwánion. Ion'wé:sen ne eh ní:ioht tsi enhsakia'tahkarí:iohste. Yes, I jumped rope. It is good exercise for you.

15. I: iah tha'tewakani'tsionhkwahkwánion ne teionni'tsionhkwahkwà:tha ahseriiè:ta. Entá:on'k asé'stsi enkhní:non. No, I didn't jump rope. I have to buy a new one.

16. W a'tehsatsihkwà:'eke kénh kahentà:ke ne tewa'á:raton? Did you play lacrosse on the field?

17. H én, wa'tkatsihkwà:'eke kahentà:ke ne tewa'á:raton Yes, I played lacrosse on the field

18. Í: iah tha'tewakatsihkwà:'e ne tewa'à:raton. Sótsi tewakeweienhnhá:rahkwe. No, I didn't play lacrosse. I was too busy.

19. W a'tehsatatshén:sehste kénh kí:ken onkiahia'serò:kten? Did you play baseball this weekend?

20. H en, wa'tkatatshén:sehste ki:ken onkiahiakserò:kten Yes, I did play baseball

21. Í: iah tha'tewakatatshenséhston. Onkenentshakaré:wahte. No, I didn't play baseball. I hurt my arm.

22. S hahsateweienstá:ko ieio'thero'ká:ton kénh wahsá'tshwa'te? Did you play basketball after school?

23. H en, wa'ká'tshwa'te ieio'thero'kà:ton Yes, I did play basketball

24. Í': iah tewakatshwà:ton ne ieio'thero'ká:ton. Sótsi é:so onkién:ta'ne ne tsi ionteweienstáhkhwa aoio'ténhsera. No, I didn't play basketball. I had too much homework.

25. W ahsate'serehtóhare kénh ne sà:sere shiwenhniseriióhne Awentatokenhti:ke? Did you wash your car when it was nice Sunday?

26. H en, wa'kate'serehtóhare ne akè:sere Yes, I did wash my car

27. Í: iah tewakate'serehtóhare ne akè:sere. Iokennoréhsere. No, I didn't wash my car. It is going to rain.

28. W a'tehsatohtahrhóhseron kénh ne ohahaktónkie ohronwakónhshon? Did you clean up the ditches along the road?

29. H én, ohronwakónhshon, ohahaktónkie wa'tkatohtahrhóhseron nè:'ek tsi sók ok nà:'a tetkáhere ne wa'tstáhshion Yes, I did clean up the ditches but they are already full of garbage

30. Í: iah tha'tewakatohtáhrhon ne ohronwakónhshon. Teiohsarákwes ohnatiróntha wa'tkaráhta sótsi kahné:ko. Sótsi iohentaná:wen. No, I didn't clean up the ditches. I wore rubber boots but there was too much water. The field was too wet.


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