A Voice from the Eastern Door
Tsi niiahià:kseres ne Awentatokenhtì:ke Enníska 20th tsi niió:re Entákta Enníska 26 Ahkwesáhshne kaná:ta raononkwe'ta'shon:'a wahatiié:na kwáh isi nón:we tsi wa'thontaterénhsaron. Í:iah tehotikará:kon wahonterén:naien wahonwatirihónnien tsi niió:re ne Wahsén:rate Akia'tawì:tshera Awenhnísera tsi niió:re ne tehatirénhsarons okóntshera ahsonthén:ne, kén:ie wahonnón:ni ronteweiénstha, wahóntshwa'te ahthennò:tshera tehontsihkwà:'eks ne Kanakerahtsherakè:ron Ionten'nikonhroria'táhkhwa, Ahkwesahshró:non akwé:kon ronwatihretsiá:rons ahontenro'seriióhake, tóhsa ónhka sheiatkón:ten kwáh ken'nihá:ti ne kaná:ta raononkwe'ta'shòn:'a ronteweiénstha ratíhsere tánon tsi nahò:ten ronahtenkià:ton wahonkià:taren tánon wa'thonwatihshwanéta'a tsi nahò:ten ioterihwahtenkià:ton akwé:kon ne Ahkwesáhshne: ne Ahkwesáhshne Kaksá:ta tánon Kahwá:tsire Ronwatiia'takéhnhas, Ahkwesáhshne Kanien'kehá:ka Karíhton, Ahkwesáhshne Rotisken'rakéhte tánon Tsionathonwí:sen Raotikióhkwa, Ahkwesáhshne Tsi Ionteweienstahkhwaniónhkhwa Ratitskò:ton tánon Tekaneráhtake Tsi Iontenhninon'taniónhkhwa Ahkwesáhshne
Tsi "Sherihwakweniénhstak Ohia:ksera" ontó:kten iákwehre, iakwahská:neks ne tahontaterénhsaron iaontahsón:tarake khia'tewenhniserá:ke - ohserakwé:kon.
Sherihwakweniénhstak You respect her/them
Ohià:ksera Week
Tsi niiahià:kseres Throughout the week
Awentatokenhtì:ke Sunday
Entákta Saturday
Enníska February
Kaná:ta Community / town
Raononkwe’ta’shon:’a Their people
Wahatiié:na They received
Wa’thontaterénhsaron They did give each other praise
Í:iah tehotikará:kon Free
Wahonterén:naien Meditation
Wahonwatirihónnien They taught them
Wahsén:rate Pink
Akia’tawì:tshera Shirt
Awenhnísera Day
Okóntshera Paint
Ahsonthén:ne Night
Kén:ie Salve / oil
Wahonnón:ni They made
Ronteweiénstha They study
Wahóntshwa’te They did play
Ahthennò:tshera Ball
Tehontsihkwà:’eks Hockey
Kanakerahtsherakè:ron Generations
Ionten’nikonhroria’táhkhwa Park
Ronwatihretsiá:rons They encouraged them
Ahontenro’seriióhake They ought to be good friends
Tóhsa ónhka sheiatkón:ten Don’t bully someone
Ronteweiénstha ratíhsere Programs
Tsi nahò:ten ronahtenkià:ton Businesses
Wahonkià:taren They participated
Wa’thonwatihshwanéta’a They sponsored them
Tsi nahò:ten ioterihwahtenkià:ton The event
Kaksá:ta Child
Kahwá:tsire Family
Ronwatiia’takéhnhas They help them
Karíhton Police
Rotisken’rakéhte Males
Tsionathonwí:sen Females
Raotikióhkwa Club / they are a group
Tsi Ionteweienstahkhwaniónhkhwa Schools
Ratitskò:ton Board (they sit)
Tekaneráhtake Twin Leaf
Tsi Iontenhninon’taniónhkhwa Stores
Ontó:kten It ended
Iakwahská:neks We wish / hope
Tahontaterénhsaron They ought give each other praise
Aontahsón:tarake It ought to continue
Khia’tewenhniserá:ke Everyday
Ohserakwé:kon All year
Tehonatonhontsió:ni They want
Tahonwatinonhwará:ton They ought to thank them
Kaianerénhsera Law
Thatirihwà:reke They enforce
Teionrahtahkwaneta’áhstha Boot
Wahonwatinenhratákwen They challenged them
Wahotiién:ta’ne They received
Wahonwatitsikhè:tanonte They fed them candy
Kanonhsowanén:ke rotinónhsote Main club house
Tsiatenróhak The 2 of you be friends
Tóhsa ienhshehrékhon Don’t be a bully
Karonwará:ke Online
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