A Voice from the Eastern Door

Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Monthly Meeting Recap

Economic Recovery Funds, St. Regis Mohawk School, Community Fund Recipients & Community Recognition Awards

There were several outstanding moments at the February monthly meeting.

First was the acknowledgement of the Akwesasne Community Heroes. Each 'hero' was nominated by a fellow Akwesasronon. Jessica Shenandoah, Courtney King and Samantha Thompson, and Lorraine Bero were with the SRMT Community Recognition Award for their generous and unconditional work they do for the community of Akwesasne.

The Community Recognition Awards is a tribal initiative that honors individuals who are a great asset to our community and exemplify community members "Working Together Today to Build a Better Tomorrow."

The SRMT plans to continue this initiative. To nominate an individual for the Community Recognition Award, please email their name and description of their community volunteerism or achievement to communications@srmt-nsn.gov

COVID-19 Update by the EOC and Health Services

Derek Comins and Michael Cook presented a 'better' report in comparison to January. Case numbers are down considerably due to the vigilance of community members who wear a mask to protect themselves and their loved ones and those who chose to get vaccinated.

Tribal Member Economic Recovery Support Update (TMERS)

Elliot Lazore, along with support staff, presented an account of the policies and procedures to process 13,130 applications making sure in accordance to a future audit. So far, 10,413 applications have been approved and 1,363 need to be resubmitted. An email will be sent to community members within a week, notifying them if they need to resubmit their application.

This is the first time the SRMT has embarked on such a grand scale project, everything from making sure to have the proper amount of paper to run a check to informing the USPS of such a large mailing; this process includes several departments - Finance, Compliance, Tribal Clerk's office, Technical Support, as well as support from the Communications Department and the Executive Director's office. Expect to wait another two to three months for your check.

St. Regis Mohawk School Capital Projects - NYS Preliminary Budget Allocation of $17.8 million

After successfully running a media blitz across New York State of their aging, and often decrepit school buildings, the St. Regis Mohawk School (SRMES), the Tuscarora Nation Elementary School (TNES) and the Onondaga Nation Elementary School (ONES) will receive a marked increase of additional state funds. All three are owned by New York State and for years had to share one allocation of funds between 13 schools. This year, the SRMES will receive $17.8 million, TNES will receive 11.8 million and the ONRS will receive $6.1 million to cover capital projects. 

Community Development Fund Update

The Akwesasne Freedom School and the Akwesasne Boys and Girls Club were presented with $2 million and $3 million respectively. The SRMT Community Fund, with money derived from the patent fund, was presented to three tearful and grateful representatives – Elvera Sargent, Kawennahente Cook, and Jessica Cree-Jock. As expected, AFS and ABGC will use this large gift towards new buildings.

The SRMT has increased its initial contribution to the Akwesasne Freedom School which was announced at the January 2022 tribal meeting from $1 million to $2 million. In addition, the Tribal Council increased its annual Community Support funding to $200,000 per/year for its ongoing operation.


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