A Voice from the Eastern Door

Akwé:kon Ratiia'tanó:ron Ne Ratiksa'okòn:'a

Iehiá:tons: Kaniehtónkie

Kwáh ísi nón:we niiothó:re Okaristiiáhne o'karahshnéha nikahá:wi ne Tekahson'karó:rons Ahkwesáhshne Rontahshnié:nons Otsiénha Rotinónhsote (HAVFD) – Iokwèn:rare 3 wahonwarihwakwénienhste karì:wes shihaià:tare ne raoná:wen iotékha rotinonhsote. Iokwèn:rare 3 Ron'shwáhtha tehonatonhontsió:ni ahatiién:tere'ne tsi na'tehonatakiénhton ronakiohkowá:nen tho iehati'terón:tahkwe tsi ionteweienstáhkhwa sahotikè:tohte wahonte'nikonhrahkwísron tsi tkanónhsote ne tsi ionteweienstáhkhwa tánon karì:wes ontóhetste sahón:newe tsi thotinónhsote. Tánon wa'thonwatirénhsaron tsi nihá:ti í:iah tehshó:ti.

William Billy Sunday (Tekáwerenhte) iahonwaténniehte ne Spanish tsi iehonwati'terontáhkhwa tsi ionteweienstáhkhwa ne othoré:ke nonkwá:ti ne Huron tsi Kania'taráhere tánon é:neken nonkwá:ti ne Sudbury. Kwáh kanonhsowá:nen tánon ne khók ne tsi ionteweienstáhkhwa Ratitsihénhsta tsi Kiohrhén:sa ronahtenkia'tón:ne Koráhne. Spanish ákta ne sha'té:kon na'kahwistà:'eke niioháhes ne Ahkwesáhshne ienhsahtén:ti. Tekáwerenhte (Billy) kaié:ri iawén:re khók sha'tehaohseriia'kón:ne ne thó:ne shikahá:wi.

Ne Spanish tsi ionteweienstáhkhwa, ronahtenkiá:ton tsiorì:wa (tsionathonwí:sen tánon rotisken'rakéhte tánon oh nà:ken ó:nen sénha é:neken niahón:ne wahonteweienste), ne Roia'tatokénhti Kiè:r Claver tsi ionteweienstáhkhwa ne rotisken'rakéhte tánon ne Roia'tatokénhti Só:se tsi ionteweienstáhkhwa ne tsionathonwí:sen ontehnhotón:kon ne 1913 shikahá:wi. Tetsiá:ron kí:ken tsi ionteweienhstáhkhwa ontehnhó:ton 1965 nikahá:wi.

Ne aorì:wa wahonhténkia'te ne tsi ieionkientáhkhwa tsi ionteweienstáhkhwa ahónhtonhte ne raksà:'a Onkwehonwehnéha nihawennò:ten, tsi nahò:ten thawehtáhkwen tánon tsi nihaweiennò:ten. Wahonwatinónhkaron ne ronteweiénstha, sha'té:kon ne atahkwénnia wahonwanátsten, tánon tsi wahonnenhnhiserò:ten wahonwennónnien ahatíhsere ohén:ton tkakwatákwen tsi niiohwistà:'e sha'té:ioht tsi enhatihsere tsi enhontéweienste. Ókia'ke karì:wes ne sewenhnísera wahotiió'ten kwáh nè:'ek ne aón:ton ne tsi ionteweienstáhkhwa aiotehnhotónkwen.

Ronaterièn:tare kí:ken tánon ronaterièn:tare ne sk'athne ron'shwátha roteweiensta'nónhne ne Spanish, wahatirò:roke tánon ohstón:ha wahonterien'tatshén:ri. Só:k wa'thatihtharónnion kénh nón:we nihanákere raráhstha Sóse King ronwá:iats. Sha'thatihthará:ko ne King tánon wahatihnísa'a, Í:ions Tsi Kaieronnitstánion ne Tsi Kaná:taien wahatihnísa'a ne Kiokierénhton Tenwaráhtate Kanontsistáhere - 93 wa'shwáhtha – iekaia'taié:ri ioió'te wa'shwáhtha. Í:ions Kaieronnítston wahatiio'tenhhserísa'a kwáh kanónhskon ne ron'shwahthà:ke rotinónhsote.

Tekáwerenhte 'Billy' kwáh ieká:ien tsi ré:iahre shehateweiénstha ne Spanish. Wahèn:ron, í:iah

nonwén:ton tehothonté:'on ónhka aiakorihwá:kon tsi nikari:wes tho ié:res nè:'ek tsi wahothón:te'ne é:so kakaratákie kióton'ne tsi wa'thontohetstánion ká:nik sá:rawe. Ré:iahre skáthne rón:neskwe ne Onkwehón:we ratiksa'okòn:'a kwáh tsi nikaná:ta ne Kaniatarí:io.

"Teio'kehá:ka wa'onkhiia'títa tánon a'é:ren wa'onkhiia'tenhá:wihte. Í:iah teiotòn:'on aionkwatá:ti ne onkwawén:na ne tho. Wa'kionkhiiahnhó:ton nè:'ek tsi kaié:ri iawén:re sha'tewakohseriia'kón:ne sha'ionkwató:ri. Ne kenh nón:we nihén:teron Rakó:ra wahshonkwahretsiá:ron tho niaiákwe. Toka ne iesaièn:'a rotihwistaiéntahkwe enwá:ton ne Rotón:ni nikahá:wi ensehsenatà:ra tanon tsi niwakénhnhes. Ne kaié:ri niiohserá:ke tho shehé:kweskwe, ké:iahre sakhé:ken ne akhwá:tsire énska ia'ká:ienhte ne tsióhsera Rotón:ni nikaá:wi. Ronteweiénstha ókia'ke ià:ia'k tsi niió:re ne áhsen iawén:re na'tehonohseriiá:kon. Kheienté:ri ne thiionkwehonwehserá:te nihatiia'tò:ten Inuit, Ojibwe, tánon Cree ratiksa'okòn:'a. Ion'wé:sen tsi wa'kionkhiiahnhò:ten. Tóka nón:wa tsi kaié:ri iawén:re na'tewakohseriiá:kon onkié:nawa'se."

Iahatahsónteren wahen:ron, "kwáh í:kehre ónhte sénha í:iah teionwé:sen ne thiká:te tsi ionteweienstáhkhwa tánon thiká:te ionkwenhrá:ron. Ronakiohkowá:nen ratiksa'okòn:'a wahonwennónnien tho ahonteweienstà:na. Wakathontè:'on kakaráksens onkwatenro'shòn:'a rotikará:ton tsi niká:ien ronwatiiesáhton." Sunday wahaká:raton nahè:'a wahonwatihwíston ne tho iahónkien tsi ionteweienstáhkhwa tehonatohétston tánon tsi ní:ioht ne roren'hà:'on sahokè:tohte $3000 wahonwahsíston. Wahèn:ron, onkonkwe'ta'shòn:'a í:iah tehón:nehre ahatirihwáia'ke tánon ronakiokowa:nen ronatehèn:'en tsi nahò:ten wa'thontóhetste ne ahatiká:raton. Ronakia'ke í:iah nonwén:ton thahò:ten tehonwatihwistá:wi tsi nahò:ten wa'thontóhetste tanon ronkiohkowá:nen í:iah tehón:nehre ahatiká:raton.

Sunday wahèn:ron, "ionkwatste'niá:ron – é:so ietewahnehkwánions."

Sunday wahahthá:rahkwe tsi na'ká:iere tsi iehonkientáhkhwa tsi ionteweienstahkhwa wahonwatírio ronakiohkowá:nen ne onkonkwe'ta'shon:'a tehonwatinon'wáre tánon ronwatiiesáhton – tánon kwáh ia'ká:ko wahón:nehte tho ken ní:ioht tsi enhsonhnhékie. Sahonhtén:ti í:iah thé:nen tehatiweién:te ne ka'nisténhsera ahón:ton, 'í:iah ó:ni tehonaterièn:tare oh ní:ioht ne ronónha ka'nisténhsera tahonwatíhshnie tánon ahonwennehià:ron ne ratiksa'okòn:'a tánon ronwatiio'okòn:'a.'

"Ó:nen sénha ionkwatste'niá:ron; shé:kon iakwahrónkha tánon iakwáhawe ne teiontenonhwaratónhkhwa. Énska ieioiénhton ionkhró:ri "wakenehrakó:'on ne sonkwe'ta'shòn:'a. Tsi ní:kon ó:nen ne ka'nikonhráksen wesa'karé:wahte tánon shé:kon skwénies aesatonhnhá:rake tánon aesatshennonníhake.' Iotká:te ne kanonhtonniónkwas tánon tó:ske. Tsi ní:ioht ne onkonkwe'ta'shòn:'a tsi nihonwatiierá:se. Khe'kèn:'a tho ieiakawenónhnhe tánon í:iah nonwén:ton teiakorihwá:kon. Wentó:re sé's aontaiontá:ti ne Kanien'kéha shonsá:ionwe nè:'ek tsi saión:ronke.

Sunday wa'thá:ta'ne tsi Kanónhsote 3, rotenaiéhston tho raià:tare ne ron'shwátha tsi ní:kon ó:nen rotiio'tèn:'en tsi ní:kon o:nen ontohseróhetste. Rotshennón:ni tsi nihá:ti ne ronnón:kwe wahotiió'ten wahontenonhsón:ni ne ron'shwahthà:ke, wahontéweienste tánon wahonnóhetste kí:ken ronatste'niá:ron tsi rotiio'tèn:'en ne ronwatiio'okòn:'a ia'tonsahón:nehkwe.

Thó:ne tóka shí:ken aonsetewáhkete Spanish, Sunday wahèn:ron, "Ké:iahre wa'kakià:taren kanenhrowá:nen wahonthahíta sewakénhnha tsi náhe, teiakhinonhwará:tons tánon iakhiién:teres tsi nihá:ti, í:iah tehshó:ti."

Akwé:kon Ratiia'tanó:ron They are all precious

Ne Ratiksa'okòn:'a The children

Iehiá:tons She is a writer

Kwáh ísi nón:we niiothó:re It was most cold

O'karahshnéha nikahá:wi Evening time

Rontahshnié:nons They are helpers/volunteers

Otsiénha Rotinónhsote Their fire house (Fire Dept.)

Wahonwarihwakwénienhste They did honor him

Shihaià:tare He was a member

Iokwèn:rare Section

Ron'shwáhtha They are firefighters

Ahatiién:tere'ne They ought to acknowledge

Tsi na'tehonatakiénhton They have struggled

Ronakiohkowá:nen They are a large group

Iehati'terón:tahkwe tsi ionteweienstáhkhwa Residential school (School where they used to live)

Sahotikè:tohte Survivors (they did again appear)

Wahonte'nikonhrahkwísron They did endure (they did try hard with their minds)

Sahón:newe They returned home again

Wa'thonwatirénhsaron They did honor them

Í:iah tehshó:ti They did not again return

Iahonwaténniehte They sent him over there

Othoré:ke nonkwá:ti Northern direction

Huron tsi kania'taráhere Lake Huron

Ratitsihénhsta Jesuit priests

Tsi kiohrhén:sa English language

Ronahtenkia'tón:ne They have run it

Koráhne Canada

Sha'té:kon na'kahwistà:'eke niioháhes 8 hours length of road

Ienhsahtén:ti You will go over there

Sha'tehaohseriia'kón:ne When he had crossed that many winters (his age was)

Thó:ne shikahá:wi Then at that time

Roia'tatokénhti He is a holy person (saint)

Ontehnhotón:kon It had opened

Ontehnhó:ton It had closed

Tetsiá:ron Both

Tsi ieionkientáhkhwa Residential

Ahónhtonhte To make it disappear

Onkwehonwehnéha Indigenous

Nihawennò:ten His type of words (language)

Tsi nahò:ten thawehtáhkwen What he believes (culture)

Tsi nihaweiennò:ten His ways (traditions)

Wahonwatinónhkaron They did cut their hair

Atahkwénnia wahonwanátsten Uniform

Wahonnenhnhiserò:ten Their type of day

Wahonwennónnien They made them do it

Ahatíhsere They ought to follow

Ohén:ton tkakwatákwen tsi niiohwistà:'e Routine

Karì:wes ne sewenhnísera Long days

Wahotiió'ten They did work

Aón:ton aiotehnhotónkwen It is possible it ought to stay open

Ronaterièn:tare They know

Wahatirò:roke They did gather

Wahonterien'tatshén:ri They did find knowledge (ideas)

Wa'thatihtharónnion They did talk

Kénh nón:we nihanákere He is local (Here he resides)

Raráhstha He is an artist

Sha'thatihthará:ko They finished talking

Wahatihnísa'a They finalized it

Í:ions Tsi Kaieronnitstánion Long Graphics

Tsi Kaná:taien Cornwall

Kiokierénhton Tenwaráhtate First it runs

Kanontsistáhere Engine

Wa'shwáhtha Fire truck

Iekaia'taié:ri ioió'te It works correctly

Ron'shwahthà:ke Rotinónhsote Their fire station

Ré:iahre He remembers

Í:iah nonwén:ton tehothonté:'on He never heard

Ónhka aiakorihwá:kon Who ought to complain

Kakaratákie Stories

Wa'thontohetstánion They did go through a lot

Teio'kehá:ka wa'onkhiia'títa They did put us on the train

A'é:ren wa'onkhiia'tenhá:wihte They did sent us far away

Í:iah teiotòn:'on It was not allowed

Wa'kionkhiiahnhó:ton They treated us

Rakó:ra Indian agent

Wahshonkwahretsiá:ron He did encourage us

Iesaièn:'a Your parents

Rotihwistaiéntahkwe They had money

Rotón:ni nikahá:wi Christmas time

Ensehsenatà:ra You will go visit again

Tsi niwakénhnhes During the summer

Sakhé:ken ne akhwá:tsire I did see my family again

Énska ia'ká:ienhte ne tsióhsera One time a year

Kheienté:ri I know them

Thiionkwehonwehserá:te nihatiia'tò:ten Types of native people

Onkié:nawa'se It helped me

Kwáh í:kehre ónhte I think

Sénha i:iah teionwé:sen It was worse

Wahonwennónnien They did force them

Kakaráksens Awful stories

Onkwatenro'shòn:'a My friends

Ronwatiiesáhton They abused them

Wahonwatihwíston They gave them money (compensation)

Roren'hà:'on He is used to it

Í:iah tehón:nehre ahatirihwáia'ke They don't want to complain

Ronatehèn:'en They are embarrassed

Í:iah tehón:nehre ahatiká:raton They don't want to tell their story

Ionkwatste'niá:ron We are resilient

É:so ietewahnehkwánions We all take a lot

Wahonwatírio They destroyed (killed) them

Tehonwatinon'wáre They beat them up

Ronwatiiesáhton They have abused them

Wahón:nehte They went away from

Ken ní:ioht tsi enhsonhnhékie How you will live

Í:iah thé:nen tehatiweién:te They know nothing

Ne ka'nisténhsera ahón:ton How they ought to become parents

Iakwahrónkha We speak fluently

Iakwáhawe We have

Teiontenonhwaratónhkhwa Ceremonies

Énska ieioiénhton One time

Ionkhró:ri Someone told me

Wakenehrakó:'on I am amazed

Ka'nikonhráksen It is sad

Wesa'karé:wahte You were hurt

skwénies You are able

Aesatonhnhá:rake tánon aesatshennonníhake You ought to be content and happy

Iotká:te Often

Kanonhtonniónkwas I am thinking

Tó:ske It is true

Tsi nihonwatiierá:se How they treated them

Khe'kèn:'a My older sister

Ieiakawenónhnhe She went there and came back

Í:iah nonwén:ton teiakorihwá:kon She never complained

Wentó:re aontaiontá:ti She had a difficult time speaking again

Shonsá:ionwe When she again returned

Saión:ronke She again was fluent

Wa'thá:ta'ne He did stand

Rotenaiéhston He has pride

Wahontenonhsón:ni They did make a house for themselves

Ronwatiio'okòn:'a Their children

Ia'tonsahón:nehkwe They picked it up again

Aonsetewáhkete We ought to go back

Ké:iahre I remember

Wa'kakià:taren kanenhrowá:nen I was part of the big group

Wahonthahíta They did march

Sewakénhnha tsi náhe Last summer

Iakhiién:teres We recognize them

Tsiawehiahráhkhwa Memorial

Tsi nontaiohtonhákie kaká:rare Historical story

Raoio'tenhsera His work

Karistatákie Border (metal going along)

Tekarihwaienawá:kon It is a collaboration

Thonnatáhsawen They started it (initiative)

Rotirákwen They have chosen it

Okiarèn:ta Akià:tawi Orange shirt

Awenhnísera Day

Rotirihowanáhton They announced


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