A Voice from the Eastern Door

Onkwaná:ta Wahonkia'tarò:roke Ashley David Thompson Akorihwá:ke

Ohiaríha 5, 2019, ken'nikiakoiòn:'a Kanien'kehá:ka iakón:kwe kwáh ieiaohetstáhkwen tsi iontatério. Sótsi karióhshion entá:on'k khia'teká:konte entá:on'k enhshakonaten'nikòn:raren. Í:iah nonwén:ton thaonsaiontatewenní:io'ne ne karì:wes kanónhsote tsi nón:we niiè:teron. Í:iah teiekwénies aiontá:ti tóka ó:ni aiontorià:neron ne Kiakoton'néken Ienontsístakon Iakokarewáhton, shé:kon nè:'e í:we tsi shakório. Tsi nikarì:wes shakórios, ken'nithotiiòn:sa ronwatiio'okòn:'a wahonterò:roke shakoti'nisténha teiotenonhianíhton wa'ontatério.

Tehniiáhsen ronwatiio'okòn:'a, ó:nen ken'nithotiiòn:sa kióhton tánon énska iawén:re na'tehonohseriiá:kon í:iah skén:nen thaonsakénhake. Ne ken'nikiakoion:'a iakón:kwe Ashley David Thompson, Kenténha 29, 1991 iakonakerá:ton. Ne Tsiothóhrha 5, 2019, Clayton Delorme teiotenonhianíhton tánon tahakón:tahkwen wahshakório Ashley tsi niió:re ne Tsi Kaná:taien Raotiríhton wa'thonwá:tahste Ashley ronwaièn:'a ia'tharáhtate ónhkak ahniwatihshnié:non.

Nahè:'a, konnón:kwe ne Ahkwesáhshne wa'kiakotihshwanéta'a Ashley tánon ako'nisténha Lorraine Thompson. Angie Barnes, Shelly Jacobs, Keena King tánon Georgina Lazore skáthne wa'otiió'ten ne Lorraine wa'kontihiatónnion ne iakonténniehte ne kawenna'sátste wa'kontirihwahserón:ni akonkia'tarò:roke ne iakotsièn:tha aorihwá:ke tánon tenkontinenhrá:tate enkonthahíta – Akwé:kon ne aiakotiié:nawa'se ne Ashley tánon akohwá:tsire aonsahonta'karí:tate.

Nó:nen Barnes wa'akothón:te'ne ne Delorme's tsi nikarì:wes wahonwarì:wenhte - wísk iawén:re niiohserá:ke khók, tho karákie tsi nikarì:wes ó:nen thotonhnhó:tonhkwe tánon enwá:ton entka'serennénhton tóka enhatonkwe'tí:iohste tsi nikarì:wes ronwarihwénhton – Delorme aón:ton ne ià:ia'k niiohserá:ke enhshaiá:ken'ne – iakoterièn:tare entá:on'k enkhneniéiere akonwatina'tón:hahse tsi wa'tkonwatihshwanéta'a ne Lorraine tánon Ashley. Barnes thó:ne wa'ontenenhrón:ni kanatakwé:kon kawenna'sátste énska tewen'niawe'ékhon ní:kon wa'kontihsennarò:roke tohkárak niwenhniserá:ke. Ronwaia'tanentaktónhne Kenténhkó:wa 12, 2021 ia'kontí:ien.

Barnes wa'ì:ron, "Wakaterièn:tare kí:ken entá:on'k kanatakwé:kon enkarihwarò:ron nè:'e tsi tho nitewaia'tò:ten: kanenhrarò:ron, í:iah tsionkwè:take té:ken. Kanatakwé:kon entá:on'k entewaka'én:ion 'oh ní:ioht tsi entsitewatkwatá:ko.' Ne tkarihwaié:ri aoianerénhsera ionwá:ien aionkwaia'takénhnha tánon kí:ken aoianerénhsera í:iah teionkwaia'takenhnhà:'on. Ronwarihwénhton entá:on'k entkatén:rohwe tsi nahò:ten shoterihwate'wáhton."

Ashley ontakièn:'a wa'ì:ron shakotírio kawenna'sátste wahonathón:te'ne ne Kaniatarí:io Kwáh É:neken Thonátte Teieia'torehthà:ke nahè:'a kí:ken kanenna'kè:ne nikahá:wi, "Ohén:ton sahshakotikaré:wahte ne ake'nisténha, ionkenon'wéskwani tsi iekhonnià:tha taiakeninónniahkwe tánon nia'té:kon eniakiaten'nikonhró:ri, tsi ní:ioht ne aiakeniweientéhta'ne aiakenikhón:ni. Ó:nen wakera'sénthos ri'kèn:'a tánon ake'nisténha Clayton shonkwáhseres ohwharakónhshon," Ohiarí:ha 5, 2019.

Kénh nón:we ne Keena King tánon Tsiá:ta Nihá:ti Tehatinonniáhkhwa wa'kón:newe. Okaristiiáhne, Tsiothóhrha 2, Tsiá:ta Nihá:ti Tehatinonníahkhwa enhonhténkia'te "Enhskahahseró:ten ne Atonhnhéhtshera ne Ashley akó:wen" tékeni niiohwistá:'e iotohétston nénkie. Enhatinón:na enhatihahseró:ten kon'tákie tsi niwenhníseres.

King wa'ì:ron, "Teionkwatonhontsió:ni aiakhiia'takéhnha tsi ní:kon eniakwakwé:ni ne Ashley, ako'nisténha tánon ne Ashley ronwatiio'okòn:'a raotirihwá:ke. Eniakwaien'kóntho, ratinonnawen'tanónhnha tánon tehatinonniáhkhwa. Kwahonkará:wis ahskwakia'táhrhahse aetewaterén:naien tánon aetewanonhtonnión:ko oh níioht tsi aonsetewata'karì:tate."

Kwahretsiá:rons akwé:kon ahskwakia'táhrhahse í:iah thé:nen teiokié:ren oh nahò:ten tisehtáhkwen tánon 'saterén:naien tsi ní:ioht tsi saren'hà:'on.'

Thó:ne Entákta, Tsiothóhrha kaieríhaton, kaná:ta raononkwe'ta'shòn:'a ronwatihonkará:wis aonkià:taren kanáthen ne Tsi Kaná:taien eniakwathahíta teniakhihshwanón:na ne Ashley. Énska niiohwistà:'e enkiakwatáhsawen eniakwathahíta 29 tekeníhaton iohatákie é:neken nonkwá:ti ne Tsi Kaná:taien.

Lazore wa'ì:ron ne tsi ieionteri'waniehtáhkhwa, "Kheienawà:se Lorraine Thompson skén:nen aetewathahíta ne Tsiothóhrha kaieríhaton enhská:ra'ne. Nè:'e kí:ken ne aontahshakotirihwaié:ritste ne Ashely David Thompson... Kí:ken rón:kwe eh nihoié:ren wísk khók iawén:re niiohserá:ke ia'tehaká:nere tsi enhatehnhó:ton; tánon ne Ashley kwáh niiakiónhnhes tsi tehshakotíhshnie tkanónhsote enie'terón:take enhshakotiié:nawa'se kwáh nè:k ne iá:ken tsi iakonhnhékie. Tewakia'taró:rok skáthne ne Lorraine Thompson tánon akohwá:tsire ne Tsiothóhrha Kaieríhaton enhská:ra'ne iethina'tón:has tsi niiethinorónhkhwa tánon teniethihshwanéta'a ne Ashley!"

Tánon ne Lorraine, wa'ì:ron, "É:so ó:nen teionkwatohétston onéhshon."

"Wakió'te kwáh tsi niwakkwénion, kwáh tsi ní:ioht ne kéntsion – wakio'tákie. Wakatawenhákie. Kheiatere'okòn:'a teionkshwanéta'as nè:'ek tsi ro'nikonhráksens. Ro'nisténha. Kheièn:'a í:iah thaiekwé:ni aontaiontá:ti, í:iah tha'ón:ton aionthahíta. Tóhkara niwenhnì:take kwáh í:iah tetsionttó:ka'as tánon tsióhsera tsi iakenheion'taientáhkhwa ie'terón:tahkwe. Ion'wé:sen'ón:we ó:nen tsi nón:we kiè:teron nè:'ek tsi í:iah tha'ón:ton taontakhe'terónhna. 24-7 tsi entá:on'k tenhshakotíhshnie."

Ia'ontahsónteren, wa'ì:ron, "Tsi ní:ioht tsi wahonwarì:wenhte í:iah khia'tekaié:ri."

Lorraine akaonhà:'a thontaiekón:tahkwe wa'akoió'ten wa'ontakié:nawa'se ne ontakièn:'a akorihwá:ke. Nó:nen wahontatshennarónnien wahatirò:roke ne ronakia'karò:ron kaná:ta tenhotíhkwa'ke kawenninekénhton rotikhstenhokòn:'a tsi rotinonhshó:ton tánon iotawenhrá:ton ne énska tenwen'niáwe tánon oié:ri nihá:ti wa'hontatshennarónnion.

Tsi wahshakório, Delorme wahonwarì:wenhte ne seráka ahshakononhwarià:kon, tékeni ieioiénhton ne wahshakokenhren'serón:ni, karíhton ó:ni wahshakokenhren'serón:ni, wísk tewen'niawe'ékhon ia'ká:ko tsi wahanonhská:ri tánon wahshakoteron'ónhton. Delorme enhonthón:te'ne, enhonwarì:wehte, tenhonwaia'tó:rehte ne ronwania'konniáhshien tsi wahshakokenhren'serón:ni, akwé:kon ne ó:ia ronwarihwénhton ísi iahoná:ti tóka ó:ni ka'né:ken tsi tehotihtharákwen.

Ne Tehaia'toréhtha wa'thaia'tó:rehte Delorme tahatkà:nere ahatehnhó:ton ne kwáh é:so kaié:ri iawén:re niiohserá:ke, ronwania'konniáhshion tsi wahshakokenhren'serón:ni, tánon sha'tenkahwistà:'eke enhatehnhó:ton tsi wa'tehshakóhkwa ne Thompson roièn:'a ò:ni ne ratétsients tánon karíhton, wísk niiohserá:ke nikarì:wes ia'ká:ko ne akwé:kon.

Delorme enhonwarì:wenhte ne Tsiothóhrha sha'té:kon enhská:ra'ne ne Kaniatarí:io Kwáh É:neken Kiakiótte Tsi Tethatiia'torehthá:ke, Teiaia'toréhtha Johanne Lafrance-Cardinal.

Onkwaná:ta Out town

Wahonkia'tarò:roke They gathered

Ken'nikiakoiòn:'a iakón:kwe A young woman

Kwáh ieiaohetstáhkwen Over and above

Iontatério She was beaten

Sótsi karióhshion Violent assault

Khia'teká:konte All the time

Enhshakonaten'nikòn:raren They will care for her

Í:iah nonwén:ton Never

Thaonsaiontatewenní:io'ne She will not be free again

Kanónhsote A standing house

Tsi nón:we niiè:teron Where she lives

Í:iah teiekwénies She is unable

Aiontá:ti She ought to speak

Aiontorià:neron She ought to move

Kiakoton'néken Ienontsístakon Iakokarewáhton She has a traumatic brain injury

Ronwatiio'okòn:'a Her children

Wahiaterò:roke The 2 watched

Shakoti'nisténha Their mother

Teiotenonhianíhton It is horrendous

Kióhton tánon énska iawén:re na'tehonohseriiá:kon 9 and 11 years old

Í:iah skén:nen thaonsakénhake It ought not again to be peaceful

Kenténha October

Iakonakerá:ton She was born

Tsiothóhrha December

Tahakón:tahkwen Continuously

Tsi Kaná:taien Raotiríhton Cornwall Police

Wa'thonwá:tahste They did stop him

Ronwaièn:'a ia'tharáhtate Her son ran

Ónhkak ahniwatihshnié:non Someone ought to help them

Nahè:'a Recently

Konnón:kwe Women

Wa'kiakotihshwanéta'a They (female)did support them

Wa'otiió'ten They (female) worked

Wa'kontihiatónnion They (female) did write a lot

Iakonténniehte ne kawenna'sátste They did send strong words (impact statements)

Wa'kontirihwahserón:ni They did organize

Akonkia'tarò:roke They ought to gather

Ne iakotsièn:tha aorihwá:ke For the purpose of healing

Tenkontinenhrá:tate They will raise up a group to march

Enkonthahíta They will walk

Aiakotiié:nawa'se They ought to assist them

Akohwá:tsire Her family

Aonsahonta'karí:tate They ought to be well again

Wa'akothón:te'ne She did hear

Wahonwarì:wenhte They did sentence him

Thotonhnhó:tonhkwe He was locked up (in jail)

Enwá:ton entka'serennénhton It could be lowered

Enhshaiá:ken'ne He will again go out (be released)

Entá:on'k enkhneniéiere She had to do something

Akonwatina'tón:hahse tsi wa'tkonwatihshwanéta'a She will show them support

Wa'kontihsennarò:roke They (females) did collect names

Aoianerénhsera It's system (laws)

Í:iah teionkwaia'takenhnhà:'on It has failed to help us

Ronwarihwénhton His sentence

Entá:on'k entkatén:rohwe tsi

nahò:ten shoterihwate'wáhton It needs to fit his crime

Kaniatarí:io Kwáh É:neken Thonátte Teieia'torehthà:ke Ontario Superior Court

Nahè:'a kí:ken kanenna'kè:ne nikahá:wi Earlier this fall

Ionkenon'wéskwani taiakeninónniahkwe We enjoyed dancing

Tsi iekhonnià:tha In the kitchen

Nia'té:kon eniakiaten'nikonhró:ri The 2 of us will do a lot of fun things

Aiakeniweientéhta'ne aiakenikhón:ni The 2 of us ought to learn to cook

Wakera'sénthos I have nightmares

Shonkwáhseres He chases us

Ohwharakónhshon Through the hallway

Tsiá:ta Nihá:ti Tehatinonniáhkhwa 7 Dancers

Wa'kòn:newe The females did arrive

Enhskahahseró:ten It will again light

Atonhnhéhtshera The spirit

Enhatinón:na enhatihahseró:ten Candlelight Vigil (They will watch over the light)

Kon'tákie All day

Tsi niwenhníseres During the day

Eniakwaien'kóntho We will burn tobacco

Ratinonnawen'tanónhnha They are caretakers of the pipe

Kwahonkará:wis ahskwakia'táhrhahse We invite you to join us

Í:iah thé:nen teiokié:ren It doesn't matter

Oh nahò:ten tisehtáhkwen What you believe

Saren'hà:'on You are used to it (You are comfortable with it)

Tsi ieionteri'waniehtáhkhwa Facebook

Aontahshakotirihwaié:ritste They ought to make things right for them again (justice)

Tsi tehshakotíhshnie tkanónhsote Long-term care facility

Iethina'tón:has tsi niiethinorónhkhwa Let's show her the amount of love we have for her

Onéhshon Hell

Ro'nikonhráksens He is sad

Tsi iakenheion'taientáhkhwa The hospital

Wahshakokenhren'serón:ni He did assault her or He did assault them


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